Help! My 3 week old duckling is struggling!

What is going on with her eyes. Matted running ? Do you have triple antibiotic or neosporin? It terramycin eye ointment you can put this around the outside of the eye if matted use a nice warm wash cloth and soak in warm water and use as a compress once you get the eyes open gently wipe the apply the ointment.
What is going on with her eyes. Matted running ? Do you have triple antibiotic or neosporin? It terramycin eye ointment you can put this around the outside of the eye if matted use a nice warm wash cloth and soak in warm water and use as a compress once you get the eyes open gently wipe the apply the ointment.
Kinda like pink eye, they are closed shut she’ll only really open one. I have neosporine can I put that?
why scare the OP with some disease when most of the time it’s niacin deficiency? Try the supplement and give it 3-5 days if it’s niacin she’ll respond pretty quick.
image.jpg Is this safe for ducks

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