Help my chickens ate fertilizer - are the eggs good?


14 Years
Apr 27, 2009
Yesterday my flock of 10 RIR's broke out of their run and wandered over to an area I had just fertilized with Scott turf builder.
I never let them graze in this area.
By the time I realized they were out and got to them I saw that they were eating the fertilizer pellets.
My first worry was for their health but they are showing no signs of illness.
Today when I went to retrieve eggs a couple of eggs had white powder and staining on them...I assume it's the fertilizer.
I threw them all out but now I am worried about future eggs and potential health safety.
Has this ever happened to anyone and how long before the eggs will be safe to eat?
I have customers that buy the eggs and I certainly do not want to sell problem eggs.

Any help or advise would be greatly appreciated.
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My vet usually says at least a month, some say only 2 weeks. I'd rather err on the side of caution, especially when selling eggs to others.
We stopped all fertilizers and weedkillers when we bought this place in 2004, but I can't even verify what the previous owners did.

Beef up that run meantime, if they can get out, no telling what can get in!
I was reading the package and there are no warnings of toxicity.
I will be calling Scotts today for more information.
This fertilizer had no pesticides or anti-fungal treatments so I am hoping that the four weeks will suffice.
As a side note - the run is closed, the door was not latched and the flock took advantage.
thanks for the help and advice.

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