Help my chickens stop eating and laying


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 4, 2012
Hi guys I need some help, my chicken are not really eating the layers pellets anymore, not sure if they have gone off it.....what shall I do? They stop laying as well, I know they have just stop molting, it's all new to me.

They do eat the meal worms and the corn mix.

Thanks for in advance
Feed less of the corn mix. Chickens would rather eat 'junk food' rather than pellets. A few things can affect egg production. Age--older hens produce less. Breed: some breeds stop laying in the winter months as they are more affected by the shorter days. Diet: not enough calcium in diet. In this case add crushed oyster shells to the food. Internal parasites-all the nutrients normally used in egg production are going to the parasites. Egg eating-you chickens might be eating the eggs. Hidden nest: the hens are laying in a secluded space.

Are the chickens free-range? Because free-range chickens eat less layer pellets.
to BYC!

Yes, if they fill up on other things, they will leave the layer feed alone. When they get hungry enough they will eat their food. You can tempt them into eating it by misting the food with some water. Chickens LOVE damp layer feed.

Enjoy BYC!
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