Help! My ducklings are late hatching!

I sort've run a few warm droplets around the outside of the membrane, avoiding the ducklings' beaks and then after a couple seconds of the water soaking in, I draw out any excess with the pipette.
I heard a squeak just a minute ago, and the beak from another (bueish grey one - I call him Sylvester) opens and closes, moving his tongue about like he's tasty the air, he looks the most ready and moves around a lot.
Well I'm a little confused as to why your dripping water on them? by doing this, this tells me you are opening the bator and right now, that's about the worst thing you can do. you'll cause them to shrink wrap.

Your best bet is to get a wet sponge or a glass of warm water to put inside to raise that humidity... if you are unable to make the adjustments with the bator itself.
how's the one doing you started helping . and be careful with the water you don't want to drown them, I know it can happen with chicks not sure with ducklings. Look forward to hearing updates.
Yes, you can drown them.
ducklings are doing really well, one is starting to come out, he stretches his little wing out and his eyes are open.
When I didn't open the incubator, the membrane was still too dry and I could see it turning to a gluey consistency, I think my incubator isn't very good.
I did what I thought was right and it seems to be working, all is going really well, feeling relieved now as all 3 beaks are out and everyone's chirping and fidgeting.

Many thanks.
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ducklings are doing really well, one is starting to come out, he stretches his little wing out and his eyes are open.
When I didn't open the incubator, the membrane was still too dry and I could see it turning to a gluey consistency, I think my incubator isn't very good.
I did what I thought was right and it seems to be working, all is going really well, feeling relieved now as all 3 beaks are out and everyone's chirping and fidgeting.

Many thanks.
pics when you can.
Hi all,
I have some bad news, I found 2 of the ducklings dead this morning, half hatched.
These were the two I didn't help much.

The one I helped the most (by peeling away sticky dead membrane and shell away from his face and freeing his body slightly) is half hanging out of his shell wriggling about and squeaking.
His eyes are half open, his mouth and nostrils are clear of obstruction but his down feathers are still stuck to his skin in most places.
There is a slight bit of yolk at the base of the egg (about the size of a shriveled marble) but still attached to his tummy, and his feet are sort've gripping the rim of the shell (with big claws!)

I cried my eyes out this morning, I've put the two little sleeping babies in a egg box and I'm going to bury them in a bit.

The one who is left is chocolate colour and called Sylvester.
I talk and squeak back to him through the incubator to stimulate him. He's taking big breaths and goes from being quite still to very lively.

I feel like I've barely slept a wink.

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Hi all,
I have some bad news, I found 2 of the ducklings dead this morning, half hatched.
These were the two I didn't help much.

The one I helped the most (by peeling away sticky dead membrane and shell away from his face and freeing his body slightly) is half hanging out of his shell wriggling about and squeaking.
His eyes are half open, his mouth and nostrils are clear of obstruction but his down feathers are still stuck to his skin in most places.
There is a slight bit of yolk at the base of the egg (about the size of a shriveled marble) but still attached to his tummy, and his feet are sort've gripping the rim of the shell (with big claws!)

I cried my eyes out this morning, I've put the two little sleeping babies in a egg box and I'm going to bury them in a bit.

The one who is left is chocolate colour and called Sylvester.
I talk and squeak back to him through the incubator to stimulate him. He's taking big breaths and goes from being quite still to very lively.

I feel like I've barely slept a wink.

I'm so sorry
Let Sylvester get out on his own, the struggle will make him strong. This lil one is the only one left now?

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