HELP! My goat gave birth! REALLY BAD NEWS Post#77 Need Answers

I was told 2 pounds is normal for pygmies..... I'll let you know what size Lola's babies are when she kids....

She's soooo fat and her bag seems to be filling..... She's still a month away and I can't wait....

Congrats on having new babies, or soon to be new babies! I'll be waiting to see the pictures. Did you happen to post a picture of her pregnant belly? I thought there was a thread somewhere on here about pregnant bellies. If I would have know I would have posted one of Daisy's belly.
Wow what great babies. I am so proud of all you did and how cute they are.

We just had a girl milk goat baby born today.....But it was unnerving.....she came out hooves first and I had to help her on a hands on way. It was a long labor and Mom goat and I were about worn out! The odd thing is that I dreamed it was a feet first birth last night and camped out in the goat barn today and am glad I did.....I often ignore my dreams and even "female" intuition......I'm listening more to them now!

Great news. After I almost passed out. Baby is cleaned up. well and momma passed afterbirth...Baby weighed out 10 pounds 5 oz!!!!!! and her mom is a Lamancha/nubian milk goat. Baby girl but seems like a giant compared to the triples born Dec. 19 who were 4 and 5 pounds. Love the baby goat incubator. I gotta try that.

Is anyone looking for little boy goats. We have 2 that we need to sell...from the Dec. 19 group.....
I must admit to no knowledge whatsoever of baby goats. But I've nursed two babies--and when they're nursing well the "bags" don't get full & engorged. Also--nothing gets milk out like the critter (kid or baby) that was it was intended for. Hand milking or pump--you do get milk but not as much as the baby would get. If they're peeing and pooing and seem happy they're probably getting plenty to eat. Hey--it's the criteria you go by for human babies!
Front feet first is the normal delivery position for a baby goat. I have attached a link to an article that shows the different types of delivery positions and how to help if a goat is in distress. . In 5 years of having boer goats and a couple hundred births I have only had to "pull" two kids. Both were coming out with one foot forward and one leg back.

Your goats are beautiful!!!!


I went out to the goat shed last night and the babies were bouncing around like crazy and sucking on Daisy like usual. When I went out this morning to check on them THEY WERE DEAD, both of them. What happened? I don't understand they were both doing so well. Can someone give me some kind of answer as to what might have happened. I'm sure they were getting enough to eat because they wouldn't even drink all of the milk replacer I would offer and Daisy's bag is even bigger this morning. They had no signs of being sick or lethargic. They were up all of the time wagging their tails. Now what do I do about Daisy? She keeps talking to them. I took the babies out of the shed but that upset her so bad. I brought them back and that quieted her some. I can't stand hearing hear cry for them, it's killing me! I feel like I failed them!
I never knew I would be this emotional about goats. We worked so hard to save these babies and now they're gone. I don't ever want to go through this again. All I've been doing is balling all morning. WHAT HAPPENED?
Oh, those poor babies. The only thing I can tell you is that often happens with baby goats that get so thoroughly chilled. They will often rally and then die when apparently healthy. Sorry you had to go through that.
Oh, dear. I'm SO sorry for your losses. How horrible.

Sounds like White Muscle Disease affecting the heart...or just a colostrum absorbtion issue...weak kid syndrom too fits
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