HELP! My goat gave birth! REALLY BAD NEWS Post#77 Need Answers

If they didn't have any symptoms I doubt it was white muscle disease:

All breeds of sheep and goats are suceptible to WMD, and the condition may develop under extensive or intensive management systems. WMD is most commonly found in newborns or fast growing animals. Kids are believed to be more susceptible than lambs, possibly because they have a higher requirement for selenium. The disease can affect both the skeletal and cardiac muscles.

When the skeletal muscles are affected, symptoms vary from mild stiffness to obvious pain upon walking, to an inability to stand. Lambs/kids may tremble in pain when held in a standing position. A stiff gait and hunched appearance are common. Affected lambs/kids may remain bright and have normal appetites, but eventually they become too weak to nurse. When the problem occurs in newborns, they are born weak and unable to rise. Sudden exercise may trigger the condition in older lambs and kids.

When the disease affects the heart, the animal shows signs similar to pneumonia, including difficult breathing, a frothy nasal discharge (may be blood stained), and fever. The heart and respiratory rates are elevated and often irregular. Skeletal and cardiac muscle disease may occur concurrently.
I agree most likely not wmd (selenium deficiency). You will generally see weak kids and have a chance to give them a booster. Doesn't usually cause sudden death, and given that it was a double death, it's even less likely.
From Merck:

The congenital type of white muscle disease may result in sudden death within 2-3 days of birth, usually with involvement of the myocardium.

Study up on the cardiac version of congenital deficiency!
That's terrible news...I am so sorry! That must have been an awful shock for you.

For the doe...I would leave the kids, morbid as it is, until she realizes they're dead.

You will need to help her dry off to avoid mastitis. Decrease her grain dramatically during this process. You can use a product like Today/Tomorrow to help also.

Again, I'm so sorry. I know how heartbreaking it is to loose babies...
How Horrible!!

Could Daisy have kicked them when they were trying to nurse causing a head injury??

Could she have laid on them by accident to keep them warm??

Anything in the stall that they could have gotten into??

I'm terrified after hearing your story with my upcoming kidding around the corner....

Should I have some sort of booster shots ready to give them??

I'm sooooo sorry for your loss!!!

Thank you everyone! I really don't know who else I would have turned to. This is all so new to me. I will definitely keep the kids with her until she starts to loose interest. If and when I ever decide to breed Daisy I will have a shed full of supplies ready for anything that could possibly go wrong. At least then I will know she is having kids and it wouldn't be unplanned like this time.

So for a planned and mostly uneventful birth, what is the usual fatality rate?
I just found your thread and am sitting her crying like a baby. I am so sorry you had to go through that, IMHO I think perhaps there might have been something wrong with them anyway? I don't think it's anything you did or didn't do. I think that God just wanted those babies with her.

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