HELP? My incubator smells and i have eggs in it


7 Years
Sep 16, 2012
del valle, tx
I have 12 eggs in my incubator but my incubator has like a strong moldy smell to it, but see no mold. Why is this? I checked the eggs and they smell like the incubator.. However I've been have 2 chicks hatch a day lately. Could it just have been that the water started getting icky? (I changed it out and washed it a little, though QUICKLY) why is it like this though?
This smell is STRONG, I can smell it on my bed and the incubator is on the floor!! If your in a sertain spot it almost smells like cat spray/urine, but i have no cats in my room.. Are all my eggs bad now???
Well all the eggs smelled, but I let the ones that didn't smell as bad in the incubator and threw the others.. @ eggs were oozing and 2 smelt REALLY bad..
I had a stinker today, but I found it and discarded it along with the one next to it. I am on Day 16 with a forced-air incubator. Is your incubation a DIY system? ( I am basing this on your profile pic)
I had a stinker today, but I found it and discarded it along with the one next to it. I am on Day 16 with a forced-air incubator. Is your incubation a DIY system? ( I am basing this on your profile pic)
At the begining yes, but I had baught a Octagon 20 that holds 24 eggs. I thing this egg was in there for about a week and I havn't seen any more pipps... So I'm thinking they're all bad now.. There were 2 ameraucanas, 3 Rhode Island Reds, and 3 Swedish Flower
I've had 5 rotten eggs in just this one shipment alone. To me, they smell nothing like cat spray...they smell like sulphur (rotten eggy smell). I had to take them one by one to another room and smell each individually, so my nose didn't play tricks on me. Be quick about it, because you don't want to harm the ones that aren't rotten...but if I were you I would move to another room in the house to smell the eggs. I cracked mine after removing the ones I was sure were rotten, and sure enough; they were. It's sad because 5 eggs out of 18 were rotten and 11 of those are crystal clear (nothing in them). I have only 2 eggs out of 18 that stand the slighest chance of hatching - not exactly what I had hoped for, for $40.
Not much you can do about the smell of rotten eggs other than monitor often before they get that bad.
To manage bacteria growth & smell the thing I've found that works best. is Formaldehyde tablets. You can get them at Beauty Supply Stores. Hairdressers use them to disinfect their equipment.

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