This is my first time hatching chicks. I have 3 early hatchers (Day 20), and one of them was the first to start zipping its shell, but got stuck and the other two hatched before it did. It only took the other two chicks 1 hour or less to hatch and the third chick was struggling to hatch for 4 hours and exhausted himself. We had to assist him a little by wetting the drying membrane on his shell to help him kick it off. For a few hours after he hatched, he was just lying there breathing, but eventually got up and was moving around with the other two chicks. My husband and I just noticed fresh blood coming from his abdomen that was not there before. Could this be from possibly cutting it on the broken eggshells inside the incubator? Should we remove the eggshells? Should we increase the humidity in the incubator to try to encourage healing? I don't think we have any styptic or cornstarch unfortunately. He hatched almost 3 hours ago before he started bleeding. Now there is a lot of blood on the paper towel and I'm really worried. I really want this little guy to make it. Please help :-(