HELP!! My Silver Laced Wyandotte has had wry neck since August


In the Brooder
Nov 26, 2020
My little girl has had wry neck since August. She can eat and drink on her own now but she still loses control of her head and it will twist under her and almost windmill till she regains control. I have her inside and I take her out to visit her sisters and she can walk around with her head up and you wouldn't think anything was wrong. I have done everything I can think of from nutri drench, rooster booster poultry cell, human vitamin e, brewer's yeast, black oil sunflower seeds, brown rice and scrambled eggs with crushed almonds,and just recently bought a new sunflower vitamin e and liquid selenium. I was going to give her one pill of e at 400IU with one drop of selenium once a day and the vitamin e twice a day. The selenium is 200mcg per 6 drops. Any advice would be greatly appreciated especially on dosage of the two. I am not giving up on her and she has improved from where we started. I know she is lonely and aggravated by this. I just want to help my little one. I have attached photos.
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Sorry, but I don't have any experience with wry neck, so I don't know how to help you there. Poor girl though. I hope that you are able to help her and that she gets a full recovery. :hugs
I would just give 400 IU of vitamins plus a source of thiamine (B1) and no selenium. Selenium can be found in a small amount of scrambled egg daily, and it is not necessary to give a supplement, since it can be overdosed. Selenium is only necessary for the uptake of vitamin E. Sorry about your chicken. How old is she? Are you feeding her a balanced chicken feed? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? Head injuries, vitamin E or thiamine deficiency, and certain diseases such as Mareks canncause wry neck.
Oh, poor baby. Try using riboflavin with the selenium. Low riboflavin levels can lead to wry neck. Keep up with everything else you are doing with the vitamin e. You are trying your best, you are a good mama.

Sorry, but I don't have any experience with wry neck, so I don't know how to help you there. Poor girl though. I hope that you are able to help her and that she gets a full recovery. :hugs

Sorry, but I don't have any experience with wry neck, so I don't know how to help you there. Poor girl though. I hope that you are able to help her and that she gets a full recovery. :hugs

Thank you, she does great but when she gets tired she has no control. We appreciate the positive vibes though 🙂🐔
Oh, poor baby. Try using riboflavin with the selenium. Low riboflavin levels can lead to wry neck. Keep up with everything else you are doing with the vitamin e. You are trying your best, you are a good mama.
Sorry I am new, like not even an hour on here lol. Thank you i try. My animals are my kids and I would do absolutely anything in my power for them.
I would just give 400 IU of vitamins plus a source of thiamine (B1) and no selenium. Selenium can be found in a small amount of scrambled egg daily, and it is not necessary to give a supplement, since it can be overdosed. Selenium is only necessary for the uptake of vitamin E. Sorry about your chicken. How old is she? Are you feeding her a balanced chicken feed? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? Head injuries, vitamin E or thiamine deficiency, and certain diseases such as Mareks canncause wry neck.

When I got them honestly I had no idea there were vaccines for them. I looked up mareks and other things that can cause it but she doesn't have the other symptoms and she has gotten better. When it first started she couldn't eat, drink, or hold her head up at all. Now she can do all of it. I stopped the scrambled eggs as my other girls are not really laying right now since it has gotten cold here in Tennessee. I give her the brewer's yeast for the B1. I attached a photo of their feed and they get special treats occasionally.
When I got them honestly I had no idea there were vaccines for them. I looked up mareks and other things that can cause it but she doesn't have the other symptoms and she has gotten better. When it first started she couldn't eat, drink, or hold her head up at all. Now she can do all of it. I stopped the scrambled eggs as my other girls are not really laying right now since it has gotten cold here in Tennessee. I give her the brewer's yeast for the B1. I attached a photo of their feed and they get special treats occasionally. View attachment 2426796
She is 3 or 4
I would just give 400 IU of vitamins plus a source of thiamine (B1) and no selenium. Selenium can be found in a small amount of scrambled egg daily, and it is not necessary to give a supplement, since it can be overdosed. Selenium is only necessary for the uptake of vitamin E. Sorry about your chicken. How old is she? Are you feeding her a balanced chicken feed? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? Head injuries, vitamin E or thiamine deficiency, and certain diseases such as Mareks canncause wry neck.
She is 3 or 4

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