Help! My wife is mad at me for feeding the chickens pizza!

Would you feed your chickens pizza?

  • Never

    Votes: 162 39.7%
  • A little bit at a time, but very infrequently

    Votes: 112 27.5%
  • A little bit at a time, whenever we have it

    Votes: 101 24.8%
  • All the pizza all the time

    Votes: 33 8.1%

  • Total voters
So, I am going to tell on myself :th
When were new to chickens, we had made ourselves a pitcher of sangria, when were had finished the pitcher, I threw the left over fruit to the chickens. Our rooster ate most of it. Poor guy was walking sideways he was so drunk. We learned quickly to think about what we were "treating" our chickens with, before giving it to them.
The rooster was fine the next day, not even signs of a hangover. :cool:
Live and learn.
In the wild animals eat fermented fruit thats fallen from trees all the time. They seem to be really attracted to it and get quite tipsy! Lol. You can watch youtube videos of drunk squirrels and deer it's hilarious
Can someone please help me convince her that it's okay for the girls to have fun table scraps?

Everything in moderation right?!

EDIT: Our girls usually get much smaller quantities of veggie scraps, but this was a couple of weeks ago on New Years Day and all the girls were fine 🙃

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We have 5 dozen chickens and we feed them anything they like and they like almost anything! Their favorite is Chicken and Turkey scraps and they especially like eggnog from outr food recycling service in town. They love almost all root vegetables andthey will only eat them if they are cooked. Salad greens.Yum.....potato peels and lots of bread and bagels and old nuts. Of course they eat their commercial ration and oyster shells. Our commercial cuastomers are crazy about the eggs and they laugh when we tell them what we feed them. In the summer they forage widely and eat sparingly from our commercial pellets. Remember they are the descendants of dinosaurs and if they were bigger, they would probably eat us!
My chickens rarely get leftover pizza because there's rarely leftover pizza....
But they did Subway on Tuesday...

(My chickens eat and enjoy all leftovers all the time, I just have to remove the leftover from any styrofoam containers because they eat that, too. Every Sunday night the 2 refrigerators in the control room at work get emptied out and goes in a bucket for my chickens. The only things they don't eat are iceberg lettuce, )(I am not saying it's healthy but I've never seen one with issues from it.)
Chickens are scavengers, they eat everything that they like EVEN styrofoam containers. It won't hurt them to eat the stryofoam as a matter of fact. I had written in a question (which made it to the magazine) the answer was that no one knows why chickens eat it but they do and it's ok.
As far as pizza goes, 'alwaystj9' is absolutely correct. I currently have 14 birds, but I have raised and kept 100 at a time for several years. They got every scrap, leftover, science experiment, from the fridge, canning, garden waste, everything! So, if you just have a few birds do whatever you want, but I say let them eat pizza!! BTW mine won't eat raw onions, lemons & limes and some pickles, or raw potatoes (sweet or white).
Actually, if I were the spousal unit, I'd be madder about chicken crap all over that porch rug.
I agree, trying to figure out the reason for the rug. As to the pizza, wow , you guys sure got on your soap box, the poor guy. My chickens , 20 in number get anything left over and all the scraps from cooking, including the rinds of cheese, stale bread, must admit not much leftover, most leftovers if any go into a container , saved for soup. I agree with the member who reminded us. Waste not, want not. We Americans waste more food than any other country. But, must admit I do not buy pizza, make my own, very seldom. Anything left goes into the compost pile which the chickens scratch in all the time. My girls have never had any health problems , all lay great and eat anything, also free range all day. Lord only knows what they eat out in the orchard.
Can someone please help me convince her that it's okay for the girls to have fun table scraps?

Everything in moderation right?!

EDIT: Our girls usually get much smaller quantities of veggie scraps, but this was a couple of weeks ago on New Years Day and all the girls were fine 🙃

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You can give them tomatoes, watermelon, leafy greens, lettuce, any kind of fruit and even scrambled eggs but never pizza. They absolutely love tomatoes and strawberries.
We have 5 dozen chickens and we feed them anything they like and they like almost anything! Their favorite is Chicken and Turkey scraps and they especially like eggnog from outr food recycling service in town. They love almost all root vegetables andthey will only eat them if they are cooked. Salad greens.Yum.....potato peels and lots of bread and bagels and old nuts. Of course they eat their commercial ration and oyster shells. Our commercial cuastomers are crazy about the eggs and they laugh when we tell them what we feed them. In the summer they forage widely and eat sparingly from our commercial pellets. Remember they are the descendants of dinosaurs and if they were bigger, they would probably eat us!
Thank you for some common sense finally. I already posted my reply, but wanted to add when I worked at a Italian restaurant, I took home all scraps, my girls were waiting at the gate for me. We should all be recycling food from restaurants, such a waste.

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