Help! Narcoleptic Chick??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 18, 2014
I received 7 brand new chicks (3 Delawares, 2 RIR and 2 lovely black Jersey giants from mypetchicken) on Tuesday. I gave them the electrolyte and probiotic drink offered with regular water for the first two days. The Jersey Giants were both panting the first day. I adjusted light but they would pant on cool side of brooder. 2 of them (a RIR and one Jersey) always drank up the Save-A-Chick tea when I offered.
Last night was my third night and full day of no probiotic-electrolyte tea --- I noticed something was off with one of the Jerseys (I honestly can't tell the two baby chicks apart...they are identical and are usually together.)
One of the Jerseys was asleep standing up...I gave the chicks some yogurt mash because I've been dealing with pasty butt. They loved it:) the narcoleptic chick wouldn't move...I picked her up and she still wouldn't wake up. I tried to make her eat the yogurt and still nothing! I frantically read posts and tried giving her a bit of warm honey. This made her walk around but she was still falling asleep standing up. She tried to poop but only the tiniest amount of water came out...she looks puffy :(
This morning I saw her drink water (now it's easy to tell two Jerseys apart.) She's still acting funny -- she'll take a couple of steps if someone pecks her a couple times. But she just stands there with her head hung low...
What should I do? Why does she pant? (I don't see the other one do it anymore.) Should I make them scrambled eggs? Should I squeeze her cloaca? I thought I could be tougher, but these are my first chicks and I'm a nervous wreck! I feel awful...DH grew up with chickens so he just shrugs and says,"she'll be fine or she won't." I would just feel better if I could help.
Do you know how hot it is in your brooder? When you see panting chicks, it usually means they're too hot.....It should be 90-95 at first, then each week, you bring that temp down 5 degrees.

I usually direct my heat lamp straight down, in just one corner of the brooder, and the chicks run in and out to keep warm, and cool off. I actually hang my lamp, so that I can move it up and down to get the right temperature.
Wow. Well, I'd say if the chick is managing to eat and drink, you could just wait and see. You might want to try the electrolyes and probiotics with her for a bit longer, just to make sure it's not something that could be helped by that (you know, we drink Gatoraide when we get sick to stay hydrated). It will also help with bowel movements if she is clogged up somewhere. She may be sick, or may have some other issue. We don't like to lose animals, but sometimes they just don't make it. Keep us updated! Hopefully some other folks will have some more proactive suggestions for you. Good luck!
It really sounds like it's still too hot in your brooder. This can cause the panting and the pasty but and it will kill your chicks. How big is the brooder? Do they have enough room to completely away from the lamp? I don't know where you are but here in N Georgia I had to raise my heat lamp almost 4 feet off the ground. Then I turned off my heat lamp during the day when they were only a couple of weeks old. At about 3 1/2 weeks I took the heat lamp out completely and replaced it with a florescent bulb so it wouldn't add to the heat. Put a thermometer directly under your heat lamp. I used an IR thermometer I got at home depot for quick results. The temp should be no higher than 95 degrees and there should be an area that they can get to as low as 85 degrees. Fix the temp and keep offering the electrolytes.
Thanks for quick replies! I am offering electrolyte tea right now. I really don't know if being too hot is problem because other chicks are all happy and moving around. Trying to post pic...I live in Southern California and it is probably 85 during day.
Do you have a thermometer in your brooder? I know some people go by what the chicks are doing, but I put one directly under the light and one off to the side. The usually use it as a jungle gym, but I just like to know for my own curiosity what temperature they're comfy at.
No..I'll go get a thermometer at Home Depot. I live in a rural neighborhood with a feed store every 150 ft...but no one sells thermometers. Thanks for everyone's advice!
I think it's a good idea just to give yourself an idea. That way you can rule it out as an issue too. I hope your little chick starts to get back on track soon. Good luck :)
That doesn't look like enough room to get away from the heat and they're going to grow out of that area quick anyways. Are you planning on giving them the entire bathtub? If so, I would go ahead and do it now. My brooder was about 3' x 6' and I just put paper towels on top of pine shavings under the immediate area of the heat lamp for the first couple of days. After that, they were fine on pine shavings.

Also, Jersey Giants are a more cold hardy bird so it would make sense that they would be less tolerant to heat but I don't know for sure. In SoCal, I hope your run will have some shady spots.
My neighbor had one! It says 87 degrees. Sick chick just pooed little tiny bit -- but solid. I still have not seen her eat since yesterday. I got her to drink electrolyte tea...but she really didn't want to.
I don't think it's too hot now. And other chicks never acted too hot. Other Jersey panted after I let her out of shipping box, but then she settled in and quit it.

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