HELP! Need help telling the difference between Buff Orpington chicks and Red Ranger chicks...Tracto


In the Brooder
Mar 14, 2015
I purchased chicks from TSC and they were advertised as Buff Orpington pullets, so I purchased 3 of them and a Black Australorp (the BA is a straight run). First time buying chickens for me, and the employee who helped me did not have me sign the book nor did he inform me I HAD to buy at least 6 at a time....So fast forward to the next day and I returned to purchase 3 more,and up until then I had only found out at the register the night before that I should have been told I had to purchase a minimum of 6 chicks, and this is where the real fun begins.. I find employee to box up some chicks for me and he looks at me crazy and says whoa, yo0u have to purchase at least 6 or none....Of course I explained the situation from the night before and he says that doesnt matter, today i have to purchase 6 at least or none, Gov. rules...And then he asked if I was in the book?!?! Another mistake the employee made the night before was he did not have me sign the book to say how many I bought and all of my info....So now I and the current employee are looking at eachother with a mutual confusion.......So then I say ok, I dont mind paying for someone elses mistake, why not..I said it laughingly. So I told him give me 6 Buffs, and then he says OOOOOH they are all mixed with the Red Ranger pullets...Of course now I am like ***? So I told him well in my opinion it would be best to pick out the lightest colored ones, just my own thinking. Long story short, sort of , I have 9 chics I am hoping are all Buffs,,Can anyone tell me how to tell the week old chicks apart? They are developing nice wing feather now and their little tail feathers are starting to come in.....I will post some pics shortly.....Please help...I do know the Rangers will grow faster...but I need to find out now to be able to return to TSC...they wont take back grown chickens....Thanks in advance...This is my first post , sorry its soo long...I like being detailed...
I am totally new to this so take my thoughts with a grain of salt but the buff orpingtons I purchased yesterday are the yellowist little balls of fur imaginable. They are like lemony yellow. Do the red rangers have markings more so than the BOs?
When I purchased about a week ago they all where little balls of yellow...but some you could almost see a bit of darker yellow..but very ambiguous....But now they are a week old or so, some have all blond wing feathers...and some have brownish, black streaks through them...So I wonder if the ones with brownish/ black marks on wings are the Rangers...I hope not..because that would be at least 2 or 3 of them so far....
Getting pics now
I don't have any Buff Oprington, but I ordered 30 red rangers from McMurray and they arrived yesterday. They've all got a bit of variation in their coloring, but I could post a picture of a few of the different ones if it would help? They're definitely not bright yellow, and most have a brown/red marking somewhere.
Yes please post pics all you can....I am posting mine now...Got distracted by grocery run and 3 year old...but I am back now
Okay, so here are a few common variations out of the 30 rangers I have, you'll have to excuse the toddlers still in pj's in the background

This is as light as they get, but even he has some red on his wings already:

This little guy is the average, what most of them look like:

And about 5 of my 30 have noticeable brown/red marks on their heads:

Also, they are just generally much bigger and wider than the rest of my new flock. I don't know how big BO chicks are compared to others since I've never had any, but this is one of the smaller Red Rangers next to my largest Black Austalorp (they are the same age):

So this is my sleeping B.O.from last year, sorry for the red light cast but you can tell, there is no markings besides that light golden blonde color.

same chick better light and a few days later.
Also, I would never buy chicks there again and I would let the manager know his chick program sucks. We are required to buy 4 chicks at our stores here in Utah but am pretty sure if it was the next day and I had my reciept they would sell me is because they are better as flock animals and thrive more with friends.
Here are a few pics of my girls....As you can see some have blonde wings and others have the brownish/redish/black markings on wings and little tail feathers...(and yes I know there are wood shavings in the water...I clean them out 2 times a its even hanging...they are crazy little birds.)

The photo above ^ clearly shows we have at least two types of chicks here.....Or maybe I am wrong...But I have a suspicion I am correct...And already TSC from my phone call are not dealing with this well. The fellow I spoke to today swore up and down that they mix nothing but the ducks....but I had to inform him that is coworker told me without a doubt that the Red Rangers and Buffs were mixed....but I was already 3 chicks in and really need to get these birds growing....So I took a chance..But if something is advertised as one thing,,well it darn sure should be what is advertised...I have a feeling I wont be dealing w TSC ever again after this for anything....We will see..

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