Help-Need Ideas What Else Sickness Could be! Chickens Dieing.


Jun 30, 2023

Since Friday the 23rd my chickens have started to appear ill, the first signs I saw was my rooster (silkie approx. 8mo old) eyes had a bubbly look to them, literally like soap bubbles in the eye balls, it appeared swollen and he lacked full mobility. He was eating and drinking water. I unfortunately was leaving out of town therefore I decided (clearly not a great one) to have my house sitter just observe and report to me for any additional signs of sickness as none of the others appeared to be sick. Upon my return in less than 48 hours I had already lost 1 chicken that was not my rooster. I have now lost 4 chickens total with my rooster just going today the symptoms I have witnessed are the following:

Bubbly eyes
Lack of Appetite
Leg Weakness

To answer necessary post questions:
1. This is an array of birds no single breed has been affected, ages is 6-1 year old. Chickens are clearly loosing weight and appear to be much skinnier then healthy ones
2. Bubbly eyes, lack of appetite, failure to drink water, sleepiness, overally body weakness.
3. one week
4. I started them on Corid 9.6% per the recommended agressive dosage on Monday the 26th but just lost two more chickens tonight
5. No bleeding, no blood in poop that I can see, no trauma, no broken bones
6. I have looked and treated for Lice, Mites, Coccidiosis, they get red pepper in food and a "worming party mix" to handle worms which maybe I need to do a heavier treatment.
7. Layer Pellet and Water with Corid Treatment
8. Half have diarhea, orange in color half have great poop normal looking
9.Corid 9.6 in water (only water available) 2tsp for every gallon
10. I am fine taking birds to vet but would like to handle on my own if possible as 20 birds to vet seems excessive
11. No pics
12. We are using Hemp bedding changed more frequently than recommended, with DE and Saturday lime intermixed for bug control

Basically I am looking for any input on what else it could be if not Lice, Mites, or Coccidiosis. I am at a loss of what my next steps would be if my chickens continue to die. At this time after the last two passed all my chickens appear to be in good spirits and healthy but I said that two days ago and now I have more dieing. We are in WA state for reference in case that matters.

Thank you!
Maybe look into Mycoplasma? I only suggest this because their symptoms sound very similar to another article I read whose flock has the same symptoms. I am not well versed in chicken illness though so it might be way off. Best of luck to you and your flock
Thank you I will look into that!
2x it does sound like mycoplasma, I'm sorry.
Corid will not help this and can hurt them if given too long.
Natural worming products and chili powder do not work, if you suspect worms, you need to get a real wormer.
Be careful with the DE, it's a respiratory irritant for you and much more so for your birds

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