Help...need to find a home for my packing peanuts!!! :)


In the Brooder
10 Years
Dec 8, 2009
McHenry, IL
We ordered 2 ducks from and last week they arrived...with 2 extra ducks and 10 little roosters! AGH!!!!!! What do I do with them all??? We're fine keeping the ducks but do NOT want all the chicks. Any suggestions???

Google for a chicken rescue near where you live. I am sure they would appreciate your roosters and a small donation to defray their expenses. You could also look for a swap meet in your area. Somebody will snap them up at one of those, especially at the price you're probably willing to take for them.

A chicken rescue? Seriously?

I'd just keep posting them on Craigslist-- you may have to be patient, and it may take a little time, but don't panic. You'll get a taker. It goes without saying that you'll be more likely to get a taker if you offer them free, and don't put any conditions on what your taker intends to do with them!

You can also post a notice at your local feed or farm and garden store. I've had good luck with both those avenues getting rid of extra birds, and I'm not in a particularly rural area.
Were you trying to sell them or give them away on Craigs list. If you were trying to sell them you might have been asking too much money. I would put them on Craigs list as free. You may have to repost a few times to get rid of them.

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