Help Needed in Aftermath of Attack

I tell you, it's an adventure to tube feed a duck by yourself. Right now, he's so weak that it's not as hard as it could be, although a third arm would be helpful. It's good experience for me, though - I start vet school next year so I'll be a little ahead of the game. He's still weak, but he gets bursts of energy now and I've seen him up and walking around in his crate. The trouble is that I can't really fill his crop - he's so weak that, coupled with his head issues, he's wobbly, and if he fell on his crop, if it were full enough, he could force the food back out of it and aspirate. So I have to get after him every two hours or so and give him only 30 ml of food each time, and he's not exactly happy about it. But, I suppose it could be worse! Now, off to do the next feeding.
I tell you, it's an adventure to tube feed a duck by yourself. Right now, he's so weak that it's not as hard as it could be, although a third arm would be helpful. It's good experience for me, though - I start vet school next year so I'll be a little ahead of the game. He's still weak, but he gets bursts of energy now and I've seen him up and walking around in his crate. The trouble is that I can't really fill his crop - he's so weak that, coupled with his head issues, he's wobbly, and if he fell on his crop, if it were full enough, he could force the food back out of it and aspirate. So I have to get after him every two hours or so and give him only 30 ml of food each time, and he's not exactly happy about it. But, I suppose it could be worse! Now, off to do the next feeding.
I have to tell you this warms my heart you have done so well taking care of him, and having to do it so often, well all I can say is he has to get better with all the TLC. Always look forward to hearing the update. and glad to hear he is having bursts of energy..
Agree it is so nice to see to the extra mile you are going I know how hard it is but it will be worth it in the end.
Keeping my fingers crossed here!!!!
He went downhill fast today. He has no energy and just flops around. He can't seem to balance and I had to cradle him for an hour to get him to calm down and stop flailing, because he got panicked and kept failing onto his back and thrashing around the crate. He doesn't even seem to have the energy to quack. Now he's just laying there. I've said my goodbyes - I think this is going to be it. I told him that if he was tired of fighting, and he wanted to let go, it was okay, and that if he chose to, his girls would be waiting for him.
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He's still hanging in there, tough boy. Still no energy but he did quack at me a little. He's in my lap right now - it's the only way he'll stay still. I've been feeding him every hour and I'll stay up all night with him if I have to - if he's not ready to give up yet then neither am I. We'll see what happens.
He actually stood for a while on his own a little while ago - I was so proud of him! He fell over after, but still. And I've never been so happy to see brown duck poop. It was lime green when he wasn't getting food. And, since I've been promising pictures, here's the wound on the back of his neck. It's hard to photograph but you get the idea.




Despite how horrible it looks, it's not infected. That big thing is a huge scab over the wound, and the white stuff is some derma-clense that hasn't fully soaked in yet. He had this along with some terrible puncture wounds - luckily those have healed.
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