Help Needed in Aftermath of Attack

Crackers passed away today. I'll be taking him outside tomorrow and burying him with his girls. I'd like to remember him in his prime, and not as the poor drake who was slowly wasting away, so to that end, here he is in his prime. He was a spectacular drake and I'll miss him dearly.

He sure was gorgeous, I am so sorry to hear of his passing, but it's not because you didn't do everything you could. I know he'll be missed.
Oh I am so very sorry for your loss :( You did EVERYTHING you could do, just know that. He is beautiful boy, one of the most handsome I have ever seen.
Thanks for all the well wishes. I was so sad after his death, and I was browsing some chicken and duck sites...well, there'll be four more ducklings arriving on the 29th-31st, and you can bet the drake I ordered will be named partially after my boy. I hope he lives up to it.

I'm so glad you're getting new ones, they wont replace the old but they sure help us with the grieving process! When I lost my first duck she was only a week old and I had only had her a few days, I get so attached so quickly that my husband is always prepared to make sure he fills an empty space in my heart,... even though he always says "NO MORE BABIES!" I love him for understanding that we need babies! :p Good luck with your new babies and post pics! If I can figure out how to post a pic my Stretch and Wobbles should be pictured in this post... ?!? WOW! I DID IT! Top is 5 weeks and 5 days old, bottom is 12 days. They are so beautiful!

I'm so glad you're getting new ones, they wont replace the old but they sure help us with the grieving process! When I lost my first duck she was only a week old and I had only had her a few days, I get so attached so quickly that my husband is always prepared to make sure he fills an empty space in my heart,... even though he always says "NO MORE BABIES!" I love him for understanding that we need babies! :p Good luck with your new babies and post pics! If I can figure out how to post a pic my Stretch and Wobbles should be pictured in this post... ?!? WOW! I DID IT! Top is 5 weeks and 5 days old, bottom is 12 days. They are so beautiful!

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