Help Needed in Aftermath of Attack

Thanks for all the well wishes. I was so sad after his death, and I was browsing some chicken and duck sites...well, there'll be four more ducklings arriving on the 29th-31st, and you can bet the drake I ordered will be named partially after my boy. I hope he lives up to it.
So excited for you, be sure to post pics when the babies arrive
So excited for you, be sure to post pics when the babies arrive 

I certainly will! The breeder told me that they are descendants of holderread birds (the welshies, I mean - no guarantee on mystery duckling) so I might end up with some very nice birds! I'm having a tough time coming up with a name for the drake - I want to name him after Crackers, but not just flat out call him 'Crackers.' Any suggestions?
I certainly will! The breeder told me that they are descendants of holderread birds (the welshies, I mean - no guarantee on mystery duckling) so I might end up with some very nice birds! I'm having a tough time coming up with a name for the drake - I want to name him after Crackers, but not just flat out call him 'Crackers.' Any suggestions?
I am not good with names at all, but here goes..." Peanut"Butter [PB} it goes with Crackers.... and the number 2 or TWO which comes after Crackers. okay I'll go crawl back under my chair now..
and my dh who is usually pretty weird with names came up with Jack you know Cracker Jacks now we'll both go back under.

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