!!!Help Needed Please!!! - I would like to start something NEW :) TPP

Coturnix don't have any brooding instincts left in them. Bobwhites -should- but since they're being bred to lay so many eggs some strains (especially any jumbos) probably won't be good parents.

A 3x3 cage can easily hold whatever trio you decide on. "Top dollar" quail around here go for $5 each. For your Valley quail and the like you'll probably pay $25 or so for a trio. Check out the Gamebird Gazette for breeders and for more information about each breed. They have articles about each specific type of quail to give you a better idea as to where to start.

Really, at this point you may want to stick with Bobwhites. Just order a dozen eggs from someone and keep your favorites. That way they're more friendly and personable. They'll also be a lot cheaper to start out with. If you like them and want to try other types of quail you'll have experience under your belt.

Thanks for the tips...

I know, I was thinking a trio of the Bobwhite would be $25 or $30 tops but I just contacted a local breeder today and he wanted $75. Insane! The 2 month old chicks he wants $7...WOW! Haha

Yeah, if thats the case, I would rather spend $20 on 40 eggs and sell the ones I don't need. Would have spent less that way and could easily make the money back for the eggs. Lol...silly peeps and their crazy prices.

I was thinking about getting the Gambel or the Vally Quail too but I heard they are not for starters so I would just do Bobwhites first. Besides, if there are any breeds or quails out there that could "possibly" go broody in a 3x3 cage would be the Bobwhites...agreed right? Yeah...

So now...I have decided BOBWHITES!

The only problem now is to find a local breeder...and should I get eggs or 2 - 6 month old chicks? I would prefer the chicks because I really dun want to have to go through raising young animals right now, just plenty running around.

- Tommy
Wanted to add... I had Coturnix mixed up with Buttons
LOL I was looking into them once when searching ebay... I think scouring through hundreds od listings burnt out the part of my brain that keeps these things straight!
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The bobwhite babies are pretty fragile, at least mine have been. If you can get chicks that are even a couple of weeks old, you stand a good chance of them surviving. I wish you were closer... I have four 1.5 week old babies in the brooder right now, and they're adorable!
I love their "buh-bob-WHITE!" call...

I've heard of Button pairs/trios going for $75, but Bobwhites?? Seems a bit much unless he's got the Grand Champion ribbons to prove they're exceptional...
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Bobwhite Quail are the way to go. They are good layers and a lot of fun to raise.

I have been raising bobwhite quail for about 6 years now and a pair or trio would do fine in a pen that size. If you want them to go broody, I would suggest just a pair. Last year I had a pair and the female sat on her eggs and hatched 6 little chicks and she raised them all to adulthood and didnt loose a single one. This was towards the end of the laying season and with the cooler weather she would open her wings and you could see the little chicks climbing around inside her wings keeping warm. It was really neat.

Okay, back to your questions. A pair of bobwhite quail would be good in a 3x 3 x 3 foot cage. They have the bobwhite call that is only heard during the breeding season and sometimes they wont call much or at all if they are in a pair beacuse they don't need to search for a mate. So they aren't very lound. I would suggest buying a pair from a breeder who doesn't charge so much. I wouldn't pay much more then $5-10 a bird. Goodluck with your searching and breeding!
Thanks for the tips again everyone.

I know, again, I called the seller to see what he thinks of $25 a trio and he was REALLY rude! I don't believe it. Trying to rip people off in San Diego or something. This guy must be those breeders...I don't like that...

ANYWAYS! Moving on...I have a friend who has Bobwhites but he only has a trio so I will wait for the chicks and get them. They are free from him so BO YEAH! Haha

However, I dun wanna wait like 2 more months...kinda lame because school starts Mid-September and I wanna spend time with them now...

So...if there is anyone out there who will be able to help me out getting me a broody pair or trio or something other than really young chicks and eggs, that would be super nice : )

- Tommy
Certain colors are going for a lot more than the rest, and I suppose certain strains may go for more. But if I could easily make $75 on a trio of quail I'd have gotten into Bobwhites long ago. Honestly, you're looking more at $10-15ish a trio. Bobwhites and Coturnix are breeding maniacs. They cost very little to house. If you look on ebay you can get 100 Bobwhite eggs for $20.

If we assume 50% of those make it to adulthood then I could make $1,250 per hatching on Bobwhites. It's time to quit my day job

Yeah! Tell me about it. Lol. But what can I do? Oh well...I guess its gonna be a monopoly down here in San Diego then for that seller is I want Bobwhites now. I don't want to spend 24 days hatching the eggs, 60 days brooding them before puting them outside safely and sell the ones I don't need. Its a LOT of care and work...besides, the cage I build is only meant for 4 tops.
I hate to overcrowd birds...never done so and never will : )

I am heading over to his house tomorrow to "check out" his birds. Claim to feed them the best food, house them very well...but when I am actually there...I can say if I wanna get 3 (2 month olds) for $20.

If conditions are good...yeah, why not? I would do that to save time : )

!!!ONE IMPORTANT QUESTION!!!: How do I know which strain is gonna be broody and which will not? I know the Jumbo version isn't...

- Tommy
You could always check out eggbid for adults or juveniles for sale. Or look on Craigslist in your area to find breeders.

To find out how broody they are talk to the breeder. Each one is going to focus on different traits in their birds. If they don't know assume the answer is "no." Especially if they never let their quail set on eggs and never have a problem with some of the hens randomly becoming broody.
I have a little bit of everything now. I have bobwhites, several coturnix colors and Californias due to hatch any day now. My favorites so far have been the Manchurian and Tuxedo colored COturnix. They are mostly quiet but my quail cocks are now singing to their hens lately. It's an odd call and it reminds me of one straight out of the nature programs. Quail are great and I got some for eggs and meat and some for just pets.

Added: Eggs are like mentioned cheap and easy to find on ebay. So far every batch I've recieved more than half or better hatch.
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