Help needed


May 7, 2019
Hi there
I've been hatching duck eggs for the first time I've got 3 healthy ducklings and two have been born some point this afternoon day 30 they still have there yolk sacks attached and are just lying there limp there is a bit of blood in the incubator and there barely moving I've moved the empty shells out the way so they don't hurt the.. Selves bit don't want them dying if I can help it as they've come this far
Is it best to jsut keep the incubator closed and see what happens over time
Hi there
I've been hatching duck eggs for the first time I've got 3 healthy ducklings and two have been born some point this afternoon day 30 they still have there yolk sacks attached and are just lying there limp there is a bit of blood in the incubator and there barely moving I've moved the empty shells out the way so they don't hurt the.. Selves bit don't want them dying if I can help it as they've come this far
Is it best to just keep the incubator closed and see what happens over time
I'm not familiar with ducks, but chicks will often come out of the egg and sleep almost appearing dead. They will still have part of the yolk attached to them in a gross yellow looking jelly kind of substance. That is normal, but once all of the eggs hatch and they dry off, you can move them to a brooder with a heat lamp.
They're probably plumb-tuckered-out. It's incredibly hard work to break out of their shell. If you're still worried about them after all of the eggs have hatched and the ducklings are completely dry, you can give them a drop or two of nutri-drench or poultry vitamin drops as you move them into the brooder. Resist the urge to open the incubator as doing so could "shrink wrap" the unhatched eggs, making it impossible for them to maneuver enough to break out of their shells.

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