Help! New baby duck had heat lamp fall on it!:(

I would really suggest a bigger brooder. 3 by 2, maybe? Thats one foot per bird, plus space for the waterer and feeder. Still on the small side IMO, but would be better. (though I'm not 100% sure of the dimension difference between ducks and chicks, I've only owned chicks, but I would assume more space is always better) I know this isn't related to the eye, but for the mucous a healthy environment may help.
Did they have the mucus problem when you first brought them home or only after they went in that brooder?

At this young age you want a waterer that they can stick their head in but not climb/fall into. It is possible that they aspirated (inhaled) liquid from the water tub you have in there. I had a duckling last year that managed to get into my waterer and his breathing sounded "clicky" until he died a few days later. You had mentioned that yours is making a strange sound; a healthy duckling makes a distinct PEEP sound.
Yes, he makes a weird sound and peeps. It’s not clicky but it’s like a “bip” that’s what it sounds like. I’ve had chicks die with clicky lungs before and it doesn’t sound like this.. I first noticed the mucus when the heat lamp fell and I checked him over to make sure he was okay. I had been gone in the afternoon picking up the last duckling and they ran out of water when I was gone. I figured that he just should’ve cleaned his nose when I was gone but wasn’t able too. Now that he is able to drink as much water as needed he isn’t dipping his head or cleaning his eyes...I’m most concerned about the eye and the bip sound. He’s drinking a lot of water and I have save-a-chick electrolytes in their water.
Perhaps you need to let them sleep inside, and keep an eye on them inside the house.
Or, are they inside?
I understand your worry, feelings, and frustration—as I had a sick chick inside for a few days! I did everything to save it. Unfortunately he died on me. I’m not saying the ducklings will, but I do understand the worry.
I have 6 Pekin ducks, and have raised all so far with success. Two are adults, and the other four seem to be doing really well. I also have a mallard drake, that lives inside the house with me. He won’t leave my side. He’s still a duckling though, and I pray to God he makes it without any major problems. Ducklings are soooo delicate! I couldn’t imagine what a mother duck goes through protecting them! She stays stressed.
At first, I knew nothing about ducks, but I have learned a lot the past months.
I can tell you, perhaps the heating lamp is too hot! My ducklings did develop some problems once because of the lamp. I clamped it up higher away from them (since they were growing so fast), and that did help.
My ducks had dry crusty feathering and they did sneeze some with leaky - looking eyes. Those problems resolved!

I would definitely keep an eye on them, and I would personally contact a vet.
Best of luck,
Ducklingguy 🦆
Ps. I’m not saying your ducklings have the same issue as mine did. I’m just stating in the case of my ducklings!
Place them inside, and keep an eye on them.
Take them to a vet if you have the means and money. Some vets will work with you.
Okay, yes they are inside already. I’ve never had runners before so idk how they sleep or how they stand when they are little. He looks like he’s trying to stand tall and close to the light so I don’t think it’s too hot but maybe he is just standing normal and i don’t know. The heat lamp is very hot when I put my hand under it but I guess it’s different for me and them.

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