I just really want your ducklings to be ok I love ducks so much I have harlequins too I also have some a few months old they are so sweet and adorable :love praying for them to recover
I got it open. I wonder if they had access to any poisonous plants? Also do you provide a bowl of grit for them to eat at free will?
I was just reading this about poisoning
"Signs of poisoning may include agitation, rapid or labored breathing, wheezing, incoordination, weakness, coma, and seizures. Sadly, in many cases, sudden death occurs before or shortly after signs develop. Birds may initially appear lethargic or sluggish and slow to respond to stimulation."
I got it open. I wonder if they had access to any poisonous plants? Also do you provide a bowl of grit for them to eat at free will?
I was just reading this about poisoning
"Signs of poisoning may include agitation, rapid or labored breathing, wheezing, incoordination, weakness, coma, and seizures. Sadly, in many cases, sudden death occurs before or shortly after signs develop. Birds may initially appear lethargic or sluggish and slow to respond to stimulation."
There is a rhododendron bush near their pen, and in the neighbors yard behind their pen is a holly bush that they could have gotten into. But she only seems to have the uncoordinated symptoms above. My other duck has been coughing in the morning, but that’s it. I haven’t heard her cough or sneezing any other times.
I would keep giving the nutridrench in water 12 hours on , 12 hours just water, and so forth, plus the one ml of liquid b complex directly into her bill once a day. Do you know how to give a syringe full of liquid ? It has to go down the right side in the back of her mouth, not the middle ( breathing tube in middle)

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