Help- overdosed peachick with SafeGuard!


May 31, 2013
Gates Mills, OH
I was trying to worm peachicks, Peahen and chickens, and my brain short circuited. I gave a 1# peachick almost 1 ml of safeguard instead of .23 ml. What do I do????
I tried calling Kathy directly and left message. I,m feeding them everything from Mac n cheese, to mealworms to try and absorb it. Would welcome any ideas. Seems okay so far.
I was trying to worm peachicks, Peahen and chickens, and my brain short circuited. I gave a 1# peachick almost 1 ml of safeguard instead of .23 ml. What do I do????
You'll be fine. Safeguard has a low toxicity. With most medicines and poisons to get it out of their system you would usually flush the system with water or use another medicine to counter act it. Since Safeguard has a low toxicity, chances of the chick being harmed by it are very low.
I was trying to worm peachicks, Peahen and chickens, and my brain short circuited. I gave a 1# peachick almost 1 ml of safeguard instead of .23 ml. What do I do????
It will be fine. And the good news is, that amount is very likely to treat capillary worms. BTW, when did you call?

@msmolly , look, it's the only wormer that doesn't list death.


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