Help!! Pale comb and very lethargic!!


In the Brooder
Jul 14, 2018
My buff Orpington Sunny is super lethargic I pick her up and put her down and she barely stands and lays down. Her comb is extremely pale and she usually runs up to me and she didn’t and then I knew something was wrong. Her two other flock mates are fine and crazy as usual. She laid an egg today around 11-12 that’s her usual time. She looked fine this morning at 7am when I let them out of her coop. My husband said he checked on them this afternoon and they were al happy. I went down there at about 8pm this all started happening. I checked her vent seems fine and healthy. I checked her body it seemed fine too. Didn’t see any mites. She isn’t fat, she’s about 3-4 lbs. My flock was attacked by a raccoon 3 weeks ago and killed 4 of them. If she dies I’m going to be absolutely devastated. Please help! Also! They have hay in their coop which I got from a feed store and they ripped it apart. She won’t even roost I put her in the nest and she laid down. What’s going on?
First, you need to keep her out of shock.
I would bring her inside so she can keep warm and if it is a transmittable disease it may save your other chickens if she has not shed enough of a virus
I do not know what she has however.
Can you tell me how old she is?
She could have internal parasites.
Have you checked her crop?
Did you check her feet for a potential bumble foot infection?
If she is weak I would give her a little bit of Luke warm sugar water for energy.
I would look into getting nutridrench, and poultry booster vitamin and mineral pellets.
If she seems to be wheezing vetrx for poultry helps with resperitory problems.
Poultry probiotics is a good help for anything with gastrointestinal imbalances
Thank you for your response unfortunately she passed away last night. I found her on the floor of the coop. We looked her over and there are no signs of any mites, checked feces no worms. I am going to pick up some of that today from our local feed place here for the other two hens. They have seemed fine today besides one being extremely broody and attacking the other hen. They are only a year old.
Thank you for your response unfortunately she passed away last night. I found her on the floor of the coop. We looked her over and there are no signs of any mites, checked feces no worms. I am going to pick up some of that today from our local feed place here for the other two hens. They have seemed fine today besides one being extremely broody and attacking the other hen. They are only a year old.
I am so very sorry.
It is hard when you lose them.
I wish you luck, and hopefully the others will be fine!
Thank you for your response unfortunately she passed away last night. I found her on the floor of the coop. We looked her over and there are no signs of any mites, checked feces no worms. I am going to pick up some of that today from our local feed place here for the other two hens. They have seemed fine today besides one being extremely broody and attacking the other hen. They are only a year old.

Thank you it’s absolutely devastating. My heart breaks right now. I hope my other two will be fine for now, I cleaned their coop, their run and looked around to see anything. Changed water, changed al their food. Idk what else to do.
My black Maran seems super broody and I don’t know if she is causing stress on my other hens. Argh so frustrating.
Thank you it’s absolutely devastating. My heart breaks right now. I hope my other two will be fine for now, I cleaned their coop, their run and looked around to see anything. Changed water, changed al their food. Idk what else to do.
My black Maran seems super broody and I don’t know if she is causing stress on my other hens. Argh so frustrating.
I think that is the beat you can do.
I totally understand being upset. When my favorite silkie rooster died in my arms (he was littleraly hen pecked to death and I found him bleeding in the yard.) I tried giving him CPR in desperation. I cried for a whole week over him.
If she is being too aggressive being broody, you may need to separate her in the coop somehow.
Are you wanting her to hatch chicks?
I think that is the beat you can do.
I totally understand being upset. When my favorite silkie rooster died in my arms (he was littleraly hen pecked to death and I found him bleeding in the yard.) I tried giving him CPR in desperation. I cried for a whole week over him.
If she is being too aggressive being broody, you may need to separate her in the coop somehow.
Are you wanting her to hatch chicks?
Absolutely devastating I am so sorry and I know how that feels!! You get so attached to these babies. My heart hurts. No I don’t have a rooster and don’t plan to have one either. No chicks here just egg production and being spoiled rotten. I heard that maybe a broody box may help?
Yes it may be a good idea. (If I have the right idea about a broody box)
If you want to break her broodiness you want to make the box uninviting for laying eggs. Very little bedding and no obvious nesting area.
However, sometimes broodies can be VERY stubborn. And she might just sit in the broody box waiting for babies lol

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