Help! Pasty Butt

Sending the last up date for my chicks with pasty last of 4 araucanas died last night. I was sort of surprised because she looked so muchbetter and she was growing and more active......checked on her before bedtime and she looked aweful and the other chicks were pecking at her. So the hatch was a complete bust! I'm not throwing in the towel....have BCM eggs in bator now and trying to get up the nerve to try the Araucanas one more time. My friend who built my coop is set on blue eggs. As I've said before.....a multitude of thanks and gratitude for all of the support
I am so sorry to hear you lost them all, but very happy you aren't giving up. wishing you all the best in your endevor to have more araucanas, thats the Spirit!!let us know when your BCM hatch... and sorry for your loss.
Well here we go again. Started with 8 BCM's......2 were no good......had movement in 6 @lock down. 2 hatched, 2 pipped but died in the shell on day 20. Last 2 dead in shell and one not viable. 2/8 is kind of disappointing, but the 2 I have are cute as buttons and seem to be doing good. I'm only looking to keep one, so hopefully there will be a girl!
Setting 8 olive eggers and 8 araucanas tonight.......2 be continued.
I just read through this post which was very helpful. I have been dealing with pasty butt in my silkie chick now for several weeks. My original post is here:

We have done 2-3 daily warm compresses, warm baths, yogurt, probiotic/electrolyte in water, boiled egg yolk, and molasses water. Nothing seems to shake this pasty butt.
I am going to try grinding up the feed and see how that works. I feel so bad for the poor thing; she does have normal poos, but them completely gets pasted up which obviously seems to bother her. She is still active, eats well and drinks well;she just has this problem still. It is literally making me crazy

I was reading that this seems common in silkies, but she is the only one of my 5 having this problem.
Any other suggestions that you all can think of?
I have had chicks before, but they were RIR, barred rocks, and aracaunas......much heartier than these little fluff balls.
Have you tried just apple cider vinegar in the water? After the compresses, did you try some vaseline or neosporin on her vent? How about some chick grit and oatmeal? This is how I have cured every case of pasty butt...

I'm sorry if you have already had all these things suggested. I didn't have time to read the whole thread....

Hope things get better for you soon.
Bump again!

Great thread and information! I just went and gave them a boiled egg and a little yogurt mixed with their chick starter crumbles. Cleaned the few that had the problems awhile ago. Tomorrow I'll get some fine sand and give it to them.

Everything went fine except for two that took a tumble from a few feet up. :( they seem to be okay though.
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I have a RIR chick that has slight pasty butt but also seems to be in pain when it poops? Is this a side effect of the pasty butt? Is there anything I can do? I have only given boiled egg and plain yogurt. I got the chicks to eat some yogurt by mixing in dried meal worms. :-(

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