Help! Pecking problem with 5 wk old chicks


Jul 15, 2018
We have seven 5-wk old chicks (got them when they were a day old) and are new to raising chickens. Two Wyandottes have made it clear from the beginning that they are at the top of the pecking order. In the last few days, the larger of the Wyandottes has started being very aggressive and is pecking and pulling feathers from at least 2 or 3 of the other chicks. Yesterday we separated two of the chicks that had bald spots on their backs but ended up isolating the bully today. The bullying behavior started around the time that we began introducing them to the outdoors by allowing them to spend a few hours a day in a small coop run. Once we isolated the bully, things were fine until we brought them inside tonight when the other Wyandotte started badly pecking the other chicks. Now we have both Wyandottes in isolation, however, they will all be together when we move them out to the coop/run full time in the next week or so. I'm worried that they bullying/pecking will continue and am not sure how to handle it. Does anyone have any suggestions for how we should proceed?
First and foremost, :welcome! I hope that you enjoy this site as much as the rest of us do! I have learned SOO much from this site, and I hope that you do too! :love
It seems as though you have if not one, two males in the group? I would try and let them keep pecking ( although it seems harsh it is necessary for them to create there pecking order.) If they are constantly pecking them, and not giving them a rest I would create a small chicken tractor so that they can see the chickens, and not touch them. That way they can get used to each other.

Something like this:

or this:

First and foremost, :welcome! I hope that you enjoy this site as much as the rest of us do! I have learned SOO much from this site, and I hope that you do too! :love
It seems as though you have if not one, two males in the group? I would try and let them keep pecking ( although it seems harsh it is necessary for them to create there pecking order.) If they are constantly pecking them, and not giving them a rest I would create a small chicken tractor so that they can see the chickens, and not touch them. That way they can get used to each other.

Something like this:

or this:

Thanks. We're still working on building a predator proof run and will consider trying one of those if we can. Sadly if they are in fact roos, they'll have to go as our town doesn't permit us to have them:(
We thought we had all girls but are starting to suspect the larger Wyandotte (and original bully) may be a roo.
Five weeks is a bit young to tell, but if you've got an obvious cockerel, someone here will likely ID him for you. So, please post some pics, especially of the comb (front and profile) and a full-body shot showing the legs. I'm sure the BYC community can figure out the mystery!
Here is my boy, he kept me guessing for a minute, but he has never been a bully. Him and the other rooster started chest pumping at about 4 weeks, but it ended there.then the other rooster went hormonal and he is now in the house until I can build him something.


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