HELP PLEASE! Can she live with this?

Think you could get some video footage and upload it to youtube as a private video and share the link?
Would be interesting to see how the poor girl walks.
I gotta be honest, it doesn't look good to me, it looks like the leg is way too twisted. But heck, if it doesn't get any worse, she might be okay. FYI, if it is slipped tendon, which I can't tell from that picture, the leg will keep rotating and might end up pointing backwards. I've seen slipped tendons in about 15 peachicks in the last couple of years and it never ends well, but I am *not* saying that's what it is.

Here are some slipped tendon pictures from a peachick at the feed store.

Here are some links about slipped tendon:

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You say you tried to move it & the hock bled?

That sounds like a serious fracture or break near the hock joint. When you tried to move it, did you notice perhaps a splinter of bone briefly popping through the skin causing the bleed?

It sounds really serious, whatever it is. ..
Is it possible to take 3 photos at different angles around the leg joint so I can get a good idea of the situation & try and advise you?

I’m really sorry, it sounds like the pet shop was not following standards. That chick should have recieved medical attention immediatly or culled, not been out on sale.

You did a kind thing buying it, goodness knows how much it suffered. I would think about reporting the pet shop, they should not be selling sick / injured animals at all by law.
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Well I got her for free.

Amy is currently doing much better. She can't use her crooked leg like she can her other one, but she is able to get around, and her friend Eowyn cuddles with her when she's laying down. I made a sort of peg leg for her, and I'm going to try it out when she's a bit bigger to see if she can use it like a normal leg. But the swelling has gone down, and she is now a fully-feathered happy chick. Thanks to all for your kind words and assistance. It is all greatly appreciated! :)

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