help please! I think one of the chicks has pasty butt!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 28, 2011
I actually thought the butt was the thing right under the feathers in the back. Is that not it? is it further below? There is something hardened there. Is it a scab? Was it always there? I don't want to pull on it and hurt her. Please help. What is it? What do I do?

Thanks for any replies!
Chicks can have a little thing that hangs down and looks like a string. It is the remaining part of the umbilical cord. Their little vent (where their waste comes out) is right under their tail. If it is pasty or has poop dried on it, just take a warm wet washcloth and slowly work at it. I have even used a warm, wet Q-tip. Then dry the baby off. Be gentle.
Hang in there!!
Or vaseline.

And, feeding the chick "chick scratch" will also help reduce pasty butt.

WARNING: Keep all lighters and flammables (including oxygen tanks) away from petroleum-based chicks.
My chicks had the same thing and we tried to wipe it off, but it did no use, and within a week or so, it was gone.
Sooooo I wouldn't interfere with anything as far as the pasty butt situation.
Actually, if their butt pastes over it can prevent them from pooping and kill them. Sometimes it does resolve on its own, but its better to gently remove it.
Actually, if their butt pastes over it can prevent them from pooping and kill them. Sometimes it does resolve on its own, but its better to gently remove it.


I didn't notice that one of my chicks had a stuck turd until it was really, really stuck & obstructing about half of her vent. It was a struggle to get it out/off and her vent was swollen for about a day. I had to soak, wipe, soak, wipe, soak, wipe about a zillion times before I got it.. but she was suuuper greatful and really well behaved the entire time.
i'm with the last person.I had a chick with really hard pasty,
i soaked her little butt in warm water then worked to losen,soaked again ect
Got the job done with time and patience....
good luck
What did you do to your chick???????? did it catch on fire?


I was just being silly.

I wish older women who smoke 3 packs a day, have emphysema, and live on oxygen would remember the flame/O2/petroleum combinations are bad, though: One woman, who was smoking while breathing her O's effectively ignited her Oxygen missile that went through some thin walls, set an apartment complex on fire and caused 16 families to lose their homes and belongings . . .

So, I just thought a warning label on the behind of a vaselined chick bum couldn't hurt.

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