I got it at Stidham's Feed store in Russellville, AL. 256) 332-6029. It was just a plain brown/yellow bag with a picture of a chicken. I don't remember a name, but I will look when I get off work. It was layer pellets.
I got my hens on Saturday. No eggs Sunday or this morning. Is it normal for them to not lay after moving? I am feeding them layer pellets. Also, is it ok for the rooster to eat them? I figured not, but I am just making sure.
Congratulations on your new flock!
It is perfectly normal for your hens to take a break in laying after a move, or anything traumatic... Give them a few days. Yes, the rooster can eat the layer pellets. He will be fine. How old are your hens? Where did you get your hens? This is the perfect place to ask all the questions you have about your new flock..

oh, and

You may want to check out the [store] tab at the top of the page. BYC has a couple great books for beginners.

More questions?? ask away. and we like it when you post pictures of your flock.
Thanks! I have 5, 4 hens and a rooster. The rooster is huge! I asked my father-in-law to help me find some chickens one afternoon. Last Saturday I was out of town and got a call asking where I was. He had bought them all for me from a guy he knew. The man said they were "Domineckers" and a year old. He said the hens were laying already. I asked on here, but was told they were Barred Rocks. They are nice, never having chickens before I am learning a lot. First, I did not know they liked to dig. These birds look like they are going to dig to China! Also, and this is a little gross, I did not know their poops were so big. I thought a little dinky poop, like birds make. But, when I thought about it, they are much bigger, soooo. I have them some layer pellets and some scratch. I am figuring out how much to feed them. I also found some gerbil feed for 99 cents at the Tractor Supply, so I got that too. And some leftover peanuts from the barrel of Christmas nuts I got (nobody ever eats the peanuts). I gave them a handful of scratch each feeding and I tossed a handful of peanuts one day (it has some yogurt covered raisins in it too) and a handfull of the gerbil food today (it has sunflower seeds, corn and other seeds in it). They seem to like it. The rooster is the only one that will eat the yogurt covered raisins. I like to watch them. Its like an outdoor aquarium. :) This is my rooster and two of the girls.
one year is too long. You might want to purchase a better breed like the isa brown. I have about 500 of them and i realized that as long as you feed them properly and weigh them weekly to check on their weight they will start laying as long as the target weight has been achieved. Please avoid any stress like noise.

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