Help please:wound on foot


8 Years
Sep 24, 2011
Hi could someone give some advice please.
My hyline hen is heavily limping today we have had very wet weather for weeks and the coop is muddy.
When I got her out to investigate and wash off her foot I found this wound.
I can take her to the vet if antibiotics are needed on monday.
Has anyone had any experience with foot wounds like this? Is it caused by the mud? Or something else.
Any advise greatfully accepted.
Thank you
Here is a picture
Is this bumblefoot? Or the start of it?


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It's bumblefoot. I'm not that experienced but you can do a search for bumblefoot. It is a bacterial infection I believe but antibiotics are not usually needed if the removal surgery is done. The scab and internal plug of pus underneath must be cut out, then the wound flushed out with antiseptics and the foot wrapped and given time to heal. It is quite common but if left it will only get worse. You might prefer to leave it to your vet to treat.
Yes, that is bumblefoot. I would get some Epsom salts and soak her in warm water with ES once a day for about 10-20 minutes to soften the scab. The goal is to get the cheese-like kernel of solid pus out of the wound, then clean out and dress the foot. Here is a good link to read about bumblefoot that includes how to do surgery and how to apply a dressing to the foot:
Hi thanks so much keeperofmunchkins and eggsessive for confirming this diagnosis.
I have soaked the foot for 15 minutes in Epsom salts two days ago, I had a good scrape around and managed to remove some solid stuff. I didnt find any liquid pus, there didn't seem to be a plug that would come away, and I could see pink skin so I stopped scraping and applied a Manuka healing cream and a dressing. Hen is still limping today. Today when I removed bandage to refresh cream and add new dressing I took this photo.
The skin around the hole is still quite solid, does anyone know if it heals up from this stage or if I need to scrape out more? Wondering when it's safe to put her back in run as she is sulking a bit at being separated from the flock as she was top of pecking order.
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Thanks for your help I have added another pic after a few days treatment if you wouldn't mind looking at it.

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