Help please



Apr 6, 2019
I’ve been advised I might get some help here after posting on the duck section so I’ve copied my original post so this is really kind of my 2nd post Hope that’s ok.
This is my first post and rudely it’s for advice and not just to introduce myself.
We are incubating some duck eggs at the moment, one of the eggs is about a week ahead of the others and has been in lockdown and on its due date yesterday pipped the shell at the wrong end then nothing.
After reading lots of threads and hatching advice sheets on here we left the egg 24hrs. We could hear faint chirping so knew he was alive.
Earlier today I chipped a tiny bit of shell away, could see there was a hole in the white membrane which seemed quite rubbery and made it a tiny but bigger so I could see a bit. The duckling is alive.
A few hours later after him making no effort and seeing no result I have opened the shell up a bit more and moved aside a little membrane which looked dark greyish on the inside. When I tried a tiny bit more membrane, one part was a little wet and another had a tiny spot of blood on.
The chick inside is noisy, telling me off and seeming to make an effort so I’ve put him back in on a piece of damp kitchen roll and he’s again making no effort but is responding with chirps when we talk to him.
His feathers look quite dry inside the shell.
The damp kitchen roll has made the temps shoot from 70 to 95.
I’m hoping someone can give me some ideas. I don’t want to injure him but I also don’t want him to die seemingly trapped in the shell.
Sorry for the long post but I’m trying to cover everything,
Thanks in advance,
Update, he is finally making some bigger movements but still not getting anywhere.
I’ve been advised I might get some help here after posting on the duck section so I’ve copied my original post so this is really kind of my 2nd post Hope that’s ok.
This is my first post and rudely it’s for advice and not just to introduce myself.
We are incubating some duck eggs at the moment, one of the eggs is about a week ahead of the others and has been in lockdown and on its due date yesterday pipped the shell at the wrong end then nothing.
After reading lots of threads and hatching advice sheets on here we left the egg 24hrs. We could hear faint chirping so knew he was alive.
Earlier today I chipped a tiny bit of shell away, could see there was a hole in the white membrane which seemed quite rubbery and made it a tiny but bigger so I could see a bit. The duckling is alive.
A few hours later after him making no effort and seeing no result I have opened the shell up a bit more and moved aside a little membrane which looked dark greyish on the inside. When I tried a tiny bit more membrane, one part was a little wet and another had a tiny spot of blood on.
The chick inside is noisy, telling me off and seeming to make an effort so I’ve put him back in on a piece of damp kitchen roll and he’s again making no effort but is responding with chirps when we talk to him.
His feathers look quite dry inside the shell.
The damp kitchen roll has made the temps shoot from 70 to 95.
I’m hoping someone can give me some ideas. I don’t want to injure him but I also don’t want him to die seemingly trapped in the shell.
Sorry for the long post but I’m trying to cover everything,
Thanks in advance,
Update, he is finally making some bigger movements but still not getting anywhere.
I don't know anything on this subject but hopefully thease guys can help:D. Best wishes with your ducklings!!!!
@Wyorp Rock @casportpony @staceyj @A_Fowl_Guy @Eggcessive @Texas Kiki
Spray water on it asap! The membrane is drying out and it probably is stuck to it. This happens a lot and thus why you shouldn't open incubators too early/move the chicks when they're hatching from their mother. The humidity is what helps them break out of their shell
Hi there! :frow

Couple of quick questions...
Can you take a photo of the egg now?
It's only been 24 hours since the external pip correct?

Can you explain a little about what a kitchen roll is?
Temperature of only 70F is not good... 95F is actually much better.

Waiting on a picture. :pop
Hi all,
Sorry I thought my post had been deleted as a duplicate.
I’m reading all kinds of conflicting advice.
I knew not to touch the incubator after lock down and especially when it was hatching then an article said that an egg pipped wrong end after 10hrs may need assistance. I waited 28hrs then began to assist.
Kitchen roll is tissue and the article said to put the egg on damp tissue.
It is now 36hrs since the duckling pipped at the wrong end and hasn’t shown any really signs of doing anything to get out until now but even then isn’t making any head way.
Following advice I have chipped away a bit more shell. I kept to the bruised area and then started to move a little membrane. After a little bleed I stopped.
I meant humidity not temp sorry fir the confusion and the humidity is down to 75 and temp 97.5.
Welcoming any adviceZ
Thank you.

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