Help please!

Not sure what is going on with my favorite hen! She has always been a loner, but this is not like her at all. She has not moved out of her spot in the coop, all she does is lay down and sleep. It has been about a week. I don’t think she is eating or drinking. She always has her wings out like she is supporting herself. She doesn’t take her dirt baths so she has “butt stuff” stuck to her. I know she is not keeping an egg worm. Very unresponsive and my other hens will peck at her. I have brought her in to separate her from the others. She also looks like he coloring on he comb is more of a brown instead of the bright red it should be. Please help me as I don’t want to lose my Lil Bits.
Added symptom her eyes are red not the deep golden brown she should have.
When did she last lay? I saw that you said she's got a dirty butt, she can get that from sleeping in her own poop, or as a symptom of disease. Is the vent moist (still laying), or is it dry (not laying)? How does her abdomen feel? How does her crop feel first thing in the morning before she has access to food or water (should be flat)? How does the crop feel at bedtime (should feel feed in it)? Is she roosting with the others at night? Pictures of her poop are appreciated and could offer important clues.
Her comb tells me that she's very sick. Unfortunately most chicken illnesses present in a similar fashion so the answers to these questions will help to narrow down the choices of what to examine more closely.
When did she last lay? I saw that you said she's got a dirty butt, she can get that from sleeping in her own poop, or as a symptom of disease. Is the vent moist (still laying), or is it dry (not laying)? How does her abdomen feel? How does her crop feel first thing in the morning before she has access to food or water (should be flat)? How does the crop feel at bedtime (should feel feed in it)? Is she roosting with the others at night? Pictures of her poop are appreciated and could offer important clues.
Her comb tells me that she's very sick. Unfortunately most chicken illnesses present in a similar fashion so the answers to these questions will help to narrow down the choices of what to examine more closely.
I will check all that when I get back from the vet for my dog.😊
Can you get a closeup of her eyes so we can see the color of the irises and the shape of the pupils? Eye color fading and pupil changes can signal Marek's disease. Also, look at her skin. See if there is bumpy swelling around the feather shafts which also indicates Marek's. The wing action to try to help her balance herself also indicates possible Marek's.

Marek's also can cause cancerous tumors on organs, heart, kidneys, liver, etc, and from the color of her comb, she has cardio pulmonary issues. From her overall demeanor, I would expect her to be terminally ill, and the end is very close.

No, I do not believe there is anything you can do for her other than euthanize her to cut short her suffering, and her demeanor indicates she is suffering. Even if you had tried to do something a week ago, I don't think anything would have made any difference.
Please forgive me for not answering replies right now. I just got back from the vet for my beagle and found out that he has about a 95% that the lump he went in for is cancer. I just need to have a little bit of time to wrap my head around that so I can wrap my head around helping Lil Bits. It has not been my day at all.😭
Please forgive me for not answering replies right now. I just got back from the vet for my beagle and found out that he has about a 95% that the lump he went in for is cancer. I just need to have a little bit of time to wrap my head around that so I can wrap my head around helping Lil Bits. It has not been my day at all.😭
I am so sorry. :(

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