
In the Brooder
Apr 23, 2015
So we bought 5 silkie baby chicks and we picked them up yesterday. They all seem to be doing just fine, but the smallest of them all seems weaker and she keeps swaying her head/neck back and forth. I gave her some sugar water last night. She has no discharge, no pasty but. I don't see or feel any mites and I checked her crop and it feels like a soft beanbag. Help?? I don't want her to die
Sometimes you loose them but not without a fight. Has the chick improved any? Maybe it's a vitamin deficiency. You could try putting some in their water. It wouldn't hurt.
Get or make some electrolyte water (SaveAChick is a good brand) and start dipping the beak into water all day long as often as you can, while letting the chick swallow. It make be dehydrated, and the crop could be full of food, or possibly impacted from eating pine shavigns or bedding. Here is a homemade electrolyte solution, and use what ingredients you have.

1/2 teaspoon salt substitute* which is potassium
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 gallon water
Sometimes you loose them but not without a fight. Has the chick improved any? Maybe it's a vitamin deficiency. You could try putting some in their water. It wouldn't hurt.

She seems to be OK. She's still weak and she cant walk properly. I've been dipping her beak in sugar water and I got a few hard-boiled egg yolk crumbs into her. I don't know where to get vitamins?
Get or make some electrolyte water (SaveAChick is a good brand) and start dipping the beak into water all day long as often as you can, while letting the chick swallow. It make be dehydrated, and the crop could be full of food, or possibly impacted from eating pine shavigns or bedding. Here is a homemade electrolyte solution, and use what ingredients you have.

1/2 teaspoon salt substitute* which is potassium
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 gallon water

Thank you! I don't know where to get save-a-chick?
Not sure where you are at so it's hard to tell you what store to go to but if you have any feed/farm supply stores they will probably have everything you need there.
Not sure where you are at so it's hard to tell you what store to go to but if you have any feed/farm supply stores they will probably have everything you need there.

Im in Florida. We had one chick pass away last night. She was perfectly healthy and one of the house mates saw her limp on the floor of the brooder. We have no idea why she died. The weaker one has a full crop :D and she's getting much stronger and much better!

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