HELP! Possible sour crop...?

Apr 29, 2019
I'm currently doing research but while I'm doing so I'm hoping that I can provide as much info as possible and someone may be able to give me some guidance.

My hen is an almost 2 year old RIR. She gets bullied by the rest of the 5 girls.
Today I let out all of the hens except her so I could give her some special treats (an apple and meal worms) and let her eat her feed in peace. I noticed she started doing this wiggle with her neck while eating the meal worms. She did it may be 8 times total. She also made one quick sound much like a hiccup.
Then I realized her comb and wattle seemed shrunk and very pale. At this point I thought I should start doing some reading and this was my first time learning about sour crop or impacted crop. She does not let me touch her, I had to slowly corner her in the coop. I started feeling around. Her crop is hard and she seems smaller than the rest of the girls.
Her energy level seems fine. She was both eating and drinking. I did not witness her poop in the 20+ minutes I was with her.
Should I bring her inside for the night? So I can observe her crop and check for poop?
I also read that impacted crop can be cause by eating pine shavings. Could they be bullying her from her food and she is going and eating her bedding?

EDIT: two more things that may be useful. I found a very tiny egg in the coop about 3 days ago. Today I saw a small, thick, tar-like poop. Not sure if this info is helpful or not.
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I haven’t dealt with this issue before. But I would keep reading up on it and check her crop first thing in the morning to see if it’s empty or still full, that will let you know if she’s blocked up or digesting her food.
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That's good. As strange as it sounds, I enjoy seeing my girls poop because it let's me know when they're healthy or not, haha. I had a hen doing the wriggle neck thing, and she just had something caught in her throat. Make sure they get water. I also had another hen who was doing the wriggle neck who unfortunately passed away with a sour crop and I'm assuming old age. Good luck! I hope your girl gets well.
lol right? You know you're a parent of someone or something when you're invested in poos.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your girl ❤

MORNING UPDATE: Because I wasn't aware of sour crop, I wasn't sure what I was looking for in terms of an empty crop this morning. Her crop wasn't as hard as last night and it was definitely smaller. I felt on some of the other girls as well. One chicken I couldn't really feel anything. Another chicken had a bit of a bulge.
So now I'm wondering if her crop feels more prominent because she is underweight compared to the other girls.
I think I'll check on her in a few hours and start of some of the treatments for impacted crop. From the sounds of it things like ACV in water, coconut oil and a massage can't really hurt at this point. I believe I have a de-wormer and DE that I will spread around as well.
If anyone feels I should be doing more, please lmk.
Hopefully my last update:
I gave her chunks of coconut oil that she gobbled right up. I had a time catching her today (I take that as a good sign) I had intended on giving her a massage but when I felt her crop it was much smaller and softer. Like a water balloon. She wanted nothing to do with me so I let her go. Wattle and comb are still small and dull but better than yesterday.
I will continue to keep an eye on her.
This was a good lesson in being more observant in the future and needing to become more familiar with each chicken.

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