Help!! Potentially injured RedHead duck

I agree, a wild duck would be freaking put WAY more then this, it is possible he is domestic, IMO.
I would keep him in a dark room like the others suggested, or even were he could see your other ducks so he isn't alone maybe?
I've got to say, you have found so may rescues!
I would also feed him, your not supposed to, but not feeding him may stress him out more.
I agree, a wild duck would be freaking put WAY more then this, it is possible he is domestic, IMO.
I would keep him in a dark room like the others suggested, or even were he could see your other ducks so he isn't alone maybe?
I've got to say, you have found so may rescues!
I would also feed him, your not supposed to, but not feeding him may stress him out more.
I feel like he must be a wild duck, considering there are an entire flock of them at the park he was trying to fly into. I can't really let him see my other ducks just because they're out in the coop.
Under the migratory bird treaty act is unlawful to possess a wild bird without a permit; if you have a rehabber, veterinarian, or a sanctuary you can take him to, that would be the best route to take. The bird could be sick, or simply used to being fed by humans - if the bird is domestically raised often the hallux will be clipped off. Until he can find him an area, keep isolated in a dim area. Offering a dish of plain water would be fine.
The flock at that park does not seem like they get fed by humans at all, quite terrified of humans they will not go anywhere near. Other ducks at that park are very friendly but the red heads just showed up a couple months ago and run into the water at the very first sight of human. Maybe he could be a captive raised one that saw the flock fly by and joined them or something. I'm just confused. I do plan on taking him to my vet tomorrow.

Just checked and the hallux is not clipped off, it's very strange when I picked him up and checked it earlier and pulled out his wing to see if it was clipped he was just acting pretty normal and not being super skittish, acting as if he had been though it before many times. Maybe he is just confused I'm definitely very curious what the vet will have to say.
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Will me sitting here on the bathtub with him make him less lonely like it would a domestic duck? Or will it just stress him out more?
He has drank a little water but hasn't eaten yet, i might put some live mealworms in here because he will probably recognize those as food easier than the dry food i gave him. From looking at pictures of their wings online, it looks like his feathers are fully in so I don't think him not being able to fly is due to molting.
I weighed him in at 2.2 lbs, the internet says that is pretty typical for redhead ducks. Where he was laying in the road, I would have hit him if I did not see him it was night time. It was also about 10 feet from a stop sign, so I think maybe he got hit by a very slow moving car, or just flew into one, and maybe it just messed up his wings in some way so he can't fly but didn't hurt him otherwise. I'm just guessing because I'm really not sure, all I know for sure is he can't fly.

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