HELP! Puppies attacked new hen (*pictures)

Lol X2 in the chicken getting its leg stepped on by a horse..same thing happened to mine but she was ok in the end.
I was honestly amazed she was fine I mean the horses hoof is a dinner plate. Also I have all Northeastern predators possible in my area, so of course the first few nights I stuck her up in her roost. By day 4 she was gone, here I found out she had flown up 35' into the barn rafters gimpy leg and all.. and I tilt my hat to you hen..
Vetrycin spray... Just to make sure there's no infection. As long as she eats and drinks on her own she or He? should be fine. Consider her lucky... Our landlord's dog jumped the fence into the coop and bit a chunk out of the back of our chicken all the way to her insides. We had to put her down immediately. :(
Thank yall so much for your advice and reassurance! I read some of your replies at the feed store and immediately felt a lot better. I was so worried that she was mortally wounded, very glad to hear how resilient chickens are.

We have separated her/him(?) in a clean pen in our garage with nutri-drench water and crumble feed. We also applied Microcyn and Poultry+Aid to the wounds, and will be watching closely for signs of infection. Keeping our fingers crossed that superficial damage was all that was inflicted. Thank yall again for your replies, you helped us so much!

Also, this chicken may very well be a rooster! We bought her/him from a friend 2 days ago, and are not sure if he/she has laid any eggs yet. The previous owner says she thinks eggs were laid, and we haven't hear any crowing yet. I guess time will tell!

Also, love the user name and avatar!:thumbsup

Thanks! I wondered if anyone would catch the reference!
She(?) is finally laying down this morning, which at least makes me feel better because last night she was sleeping standing up. I haven’t seen her eat/drink much yet, but I ended up bolusing her with a few CCs of nutridrench last night before bed and she did gobble down a few mealworms this morning when I tossed some next to her. My wife will be home with her all day today, so I’m hoping some TLC will help her recover.

Also, below is a picture of her looking a little more hennish (before getting her feathers ruffled by the puppies). We are fairly new to chickens so she could still very well be a rooster, but we thought maybe the confusion was due to her feathers looking ruffled and roo-like after the attack. Below is her(?) normal appearance. We would be interested to know if yall still think she/he is a male, because we have no idea.


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