Ok my favourtite silkie
seems to have an egg stuck
I just went out to see them and shes trying to push it out but its not coming!
Her bum is a bit bloody
well not really - when she pushes i can see the egg form thru her dark coloured skin but not the actual egg crowning - its almost there I think but I dont know what to do
never had the bleeding bum thing
If you have some hemoirhoidal cream put it on. The more she strains, the more swollen the tissue becomes which makes it even harder to push. If you don't have that , put some vaseline around her vent opening. Good luck and let us know how she does.
Put some hot water on it... observe for a little while... if nothing happens then sticking your finger behind it and helping her push it out might be the only option...
Ok I'm back
She hasn't pushed it out yet
I can tap the top of the shell with my finger
I brought her into the house
Put hemeroid cream on her and washed her area with warm water
She looks very tired
Its not bleeding anymore but she keep pushing and it just doesn't wanna seem to come out
I can squeeze around the skin when she tries to push it out but I'm afraid I will squeeze too hard and kill her or something.
Its like trying to squeeze out a breach baby......
Is it an option to grab it and apply pressure and prick the egg with a pin so it'll drain? I wouldn't think its safe but I have to ask - not sure if she'd pop out the broken egg or not.....
other than that my 3 year old daughter is watching her so I have to get back upstairs......
She said "I sure hope she doesn't go to heaven mom"