HELP!! Red bottom and missing feathers.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 4, 2014
One of my chickens is missing feathers and bottom is red. Is this possibly mites? How do I treat it if it is? Any other ideas as to what could be the cause? Im brand new to chickens incase you can't tell. :) ill post pics. Thanks!
How long have you had this bird, and where did you get it from? From what I can see, it looks a lot like a Cornish X meat chicken, which are often poorly feathered. It doesn't look like mites to me. I suppose the feathers could have gotten pulled out, and are only now growing in.
How long have you had this bird, and where did you get it from? From what I can see, it looks a lot like a Cornish X meat chicken, which are often poorly feathered. It doesn't look like mites to me. I suppose the feathers could have gotten pulled out, and are only now growing in.
I agree.
I got it and five others from a friend my husband works with about 3 weeks ago. He said they're leghorns. All the others feathers have come in beautiful. This one is the odd ball. Sometimes his/her (I think he) butt looks very red too.

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