Help! Rooster is panting very heavily with shakey legs and watery stools.


9 Years
Jul 17, 2012
Southern Minnesota
I was outside with my birds when I realized that my rooster Tom Jr. wasn't out. I walked into the coop and there he was. He was lying down panting very heavily even though it's only 80 degrees. I brought him into the garage and got a bit of ice water down him, but it wasn't much. He was able to walk, but his legs were shaky. He pooped twice and both times it was a clear liquid. He's a 4.5 year old black LF cochin.

My old rooster Tom (Tom Jr.'s dad) died when he was 4.5 years old. It all started when I noticed him panting heavily. 3 months later, he passed away. Though out those 3 months, he was always panting. His comb and wattles became very pale and they shrunk. He became slower and slower until one day I found him in his favorite nest dead.

I'm worried that Tom Jr. is going through what Tom did. He's a VERY loved rooster and I would do anything to keep him alive. Does anyone know what this could be? and is there anything I can do to help him?

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