Help Shell less Egg again....when do I start to worry....


Pooper Peeper
11 Years
Jul 26, 2008
Sebastopol, CA
I have 6 girls. One for sure is laying good eggs regularly. I think not sure I have another laying once every few days. I have another that gave 2 shell less eggs the same day from the roost a week ago and found another one this morning. All shell less eggs have been on the floor. My girls are 23 weeks old today. Should I be worried about the shell less eggs or give them time to mature....all replies are appreciated.
Ummm... Take an egg, crack it, and dump the insides out unto the floor.

Our Buff Orps just started laying this week, and we got our first shell-less egg this morning. Luckily, it dropped into the poop-pit, so they couldn't get at it.
The are on "flock raiser" with oyster shells "at will"

My shell less eggs may have shells but very little. They look like little water ballons. I am assuming the "shell" is just the inside membrane.....any more thoughts????
I had a buff orpington that did that for the (short) duration of her life. She was on lay mash, free access to oyster shell.. you name it. After ~ six months of that I culled her- but it took awhile. You see, I had 8 buff orpington hens, and had no clue as to which one was the culprit. Finally began separating them..

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