Help! Silkies gone crazy!

I hate to bring bad news to the happy ending, but the black one was the one who harmed them it seems. After leaving them alone for 5 minutes to see what they would do, the black one was pecking at it’s eye. (Thinking the black one could be trying to get rid of the other males, as he left the other one alone for the most part.) so I removed the black one and everyone seems so much calmer.. so I don’t know what to do with the black one, for now I got him in a tote with a mirror for now. Not getting him any siblings incase he kills them too. The “clinging” was to hide from him, by getting under him.
that's so sad, chicks will peck at wounded or injured chicks, out of curiosity or to remove a potential weakness. The overall safety of the other chicks is important though so maybe you could buy some slightly older chicks or some chicks of another breed that are bigger than the black silkie chick so that he can have some friends yet not be able to bully them.
that's so sad, chicks will peck at wounded or injured chicks, out of curiosity or to remove a potential weakness. The overall safety of the other chicks is important though so maybe you could buy some slightly older chicks or some chicks of another breed that are bigger than the black silkie chick so that he can have some friends yet not be able to bully them.
I don’t know, I may just keep him separate until the other heals. Hopefully that will fix it, but if he gets aggressive again, he will be given to someone who can deal with him better than I can. I will let him and the one he is not bulling out togeather while I comfort the injured chick. They will be isolated mostly at night and days I can’t spend too much time with them. But for now the health of the other chicks are more important.

Plus I have other chicks coming in a few months and I dont want to make the flock too large. I know this chicks health is important too, but he ate another chick! I think he will be fine separate for a week or so. I did not expect to have a chick to cannibalize their own brooder buddy, especially a silkie.
I let them all outside together, they seem to be fine, I will leep them separated until the other one heals however, but it could have been the protecting idea? I don’t know. I just want to play it safe, as I don’t want to be down to two chicks. If I can keep it at 3 even though one gets a life long injury. Thats fine.
that's so sad, chicks will peck at wounded or injured chicks, out of curiosity or to remove a potential weakness. The overall safety of the other chicks is important though so maybe you could buy some slightly older chicks or some chicks of another breed that are bigger than the black silkie chick so that he can have some friends yet not be able to bully them.
Help.. theres only one left now! What happened?! They’re are also missing their organs, The injured one and the black one are dead, only the other partridge is left. It couldn’t have been a rat as the one is still alive, so what killed them?! And what should I do to protect the last chick?! The last chick couldn’t have done this, he/she was bonded to the others!
I'm sorry for your losses, I have no idea what could have done this, it could have been a rat and the other chick might of hid? Does your brooder have an open top?
It does, but theres only one hiding spot I made for them. And the rat could easily get in. Should I move the toat, that way it does not come back? I can also replace the top with a better one.
It does, but theres only one hiding spot I made for them. And the rat could easily get in. Should I move the toat, that way it does not come back? I can also replace the top with a better one.
Ive just never had an issue with rats, as they never bothered the chickens, allways whent for the feed, not the chicks. This is a first.

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