Help! Snow is coming!


In the Brooder
Apr 2, 2017
Hi all!
I put my now 7 week old chicks out in their coop last weekend. They are pretty much fully feathered but in the next few days we are expecting temps in the 20's and possibly 2 feet of snow!! Colorado... My dilemma is do I bring my chicks inside and put them back into the brooder that they barely fit in or do I leave them out and put a heat lamp in the coop??? I'm leaning towards the latter but I'm super paranoid about a coop fire. What does everyone think??
Thank you!
Can you believe this weather? Gads! I just finished digging up plants I had just installed in my garden and brought them inside. Just when you think it's safe to go ahead and plant.....

No, your chicks will be fine with no heat. However, what I suggest is some extra bedding. Straw or a thick addition of pine shavings so the chicks can burrow and insulate themselves. This is all they'll need to be cozy.

You could also put a heating pad under the bedding where they sleep set on low. I certainly wouldn't use a heat lamp. It's not only not necessary, but not worth the risks.

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