
5 Years
Oct 22, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
On my way home my mom called me and told me that one of my week old chicks was squished up against the heater by her friends desperately trying to get body heat because of a power outage. It’s still going on as I type this and I’m typing with one hand because my other is holding the chick. She is peeping endlessly with no pause, her eyes are closed, she shakes her head occasionally but it’s mostly limp/rag doll. She can’t find her balance and her legs are splayed out like in the picture. She opens her eyes occasionally but never long. What is this??? Help I’m panicking, the power is still out and I’m heating the others with my car’s battery!!

Do you have any uncooked rice and a gas stove?

Move the heater or what ever it is away from the brooder walls. Keep everything away from the walls at all times.
Do you have any uncooked rice and a gas stove?

Move the heater or what ever it is away from the brooder walls. Keep everything away from the walls at all times.
Yes I have both of those. What are you thinking I should do? Also the heater is a heat plate, the type they sit under, and it’s the length of the brooder.

The power came back on and stayed around 10:30pm, so we got them all back to normal and the chick stopped screaming. She's now walking and acting normal with maybe a few incidents of abnormally losing her balance when she sits/stands, but can still run, eat, drink, poop, and all that.

But I'm still confused. What was this? What happened? I want to know in case it happens again, or so I can prevent it from happening again.

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