HELP!! Sour Crop??


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 1, 2010
I have a hen that's 1 1/2 year old. She has been ill since Wednesday. I think it is sour crop, her crop is very sponge feeling and she is not eating. I have tried to give her olive oil, water, and yogurt. She is becoming weak, I'm thinking she needs to eat something. but I do not want to make her worst.I have tried ACV in her water, but some say to use ACV water others say no. Could someone please give me the correct info to help with sour crop.When I pick her up she sounds bubbly. Thanks in advance for any help. Oh! I have checked for egg bounding, I think I feel nothing. Not sure if I know what I'm doing there.
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Bit of a complex issue, are you sure she's not cropbound? If so, she may need vomiting or surgery. Anyway, here's a list of threads you can look through for info. I don't know for sure what you should do or the specifics of your case so I'm just going to supply info and hopefully you find something that sounds like your hen, and a treatment that works.

Best wishes.
If the crop is squishy it probably crop stasis, not crop binding. The hard part is finding out what the cause is as most crop problems are secondary to something else like worms, bacterial infection, fungal infection, disease, any type of obstruction between the crop and the vent. Is she pooping? If so, what does it look like?

Unfortunately we have no vets here that help with chickens. She went outside earlier for a short time. Sleeping now, but I think she enjoyed the sunshine.I will continue the water and yogurt. Thanks
Unfortunately we have no vets here that help with chickens. She went outside earlier for a short time. Sleeping now, but I think she enjoyed the sunshine.I will continue the water and yogurt. Thanks
Keep her in a warm place, 80-85 degrees is ideal as most sick birds are hypothermic. Has she been wormed? What does her poop look like?

If the crop is squishy it probably crop stasis, not crop binding. The hard part is finding out what the cause is as most crop problems are secondary to something else like worms, bacterial infection, fungal infection, disease, any type of obstruction between the crop and the vent. Is she pooping? If so, what does it look like?


While the bit I bolded is true, (well all of this post is true, I'm just referring to an exception here is all) --- I'd just like to offer a bit more info... The reason I suggested it might be crop binding despite the typical sourcrop appearance.

This place I've moved to has some kind of environmentally widespread crop stasis in all the wild birds. It's transient and resolves within usually 24 hours, sometimes a few days, without intervention.

My chickens caught it after coming here. The ones affected have squishy crops, full of fluids, but when I carefully feel around at the entrance where the crop opens into the chest, I always find something hardened and mobile that was plugging the hole.

It's not sourcrop, but certainly presents as it, according to the examination rule of thumb.

Once I shift that lump, the fluid accumulation subsides and the crop stasis runs its course, and so far all have recovered without any further intervention. One hen actually did have typical crop binding, but she arrived in a state, multiple problems.

ETA: just wanted to clarify, it's technically crop binding, yet technically isn't, because the lump that is blocking them up is only a problem because they're in stasis; it's no larger than, nor different to, the normal foodstuffs that pass through that orifice all the time, the only real problem is that their peristalsis is temporarily paralyzed. Hope this clarifies.

Best wishes.

Thank you for the information.Chook4Life

Sorry I wasn't more specific, but you're welcome anyway. Seems to me that there are a lot of ways to treat this disease.

Kathy here is probably one of the people with sufficient experience with it to help you treat it. I've not had true sour crop and it's more complicated to treat by far than crop binding is.

Best wishes.
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She has 4 coop mates and they are all doing great. She has been separated since I noticed her feeling poorly. I will read all the options and see if she falls into one that best suits her symptoms, Thank you for all the info. I had sour crop are I thought last year when we had lots of rain, Withheld food a day and all was better. This is a tough one.

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