help these horses!! this is crazy!! read this ad!

I've been Googling to find the actual law on the books to clarify whether or not it is, in fact, illegal to slaughter horses. I don't think it's necessarily a Federal Law just yet as most of what I'm finding is from 2006/2007 on the matter and it's all saying the same thing as Wikipedia ( - which essentially claims that laws pertaining to horse slaughter against human consumption passed the House Committee [first phase], but was not brought before the Senate Committee [second phase] that would actually make it a Federal Law. There may be state-by-state jurisdictions in the matter tho' in which they've passed their own individual laws pertaining to horse slaughter.

If anyone has a link to an actual LAW on the books (whether state or Federal), they would do well to post it so that it can be referenced.

Even if there are laws on the books against human consumption, I don't think there's a law against slaughtering horses for animal consumption tho' and this may be how this seller could skirt the issue with his "meat" reference to the ad ...

Absolutely NOTHING I'm finding indicates that it's illegal to transport horses to Canada or Mexico for human consumption slaughter tho'. I know WA state has many auctions per year in which it's well-known that slaughterhouses in both countries are buying them and transporting them across the lines. Some states do, however, have laws stating the horses cannot be shipped in double decker transports (i.e. cattle trucks) to the slaughterhouses. Again, it may be different state-by-state...
It is absolutely 100% LEGAL to humanely slaughter and eat your own horse.

You may not sell horse meat for human consumption.

You absolutely have the right to slaughter and butcher and eat a horse that you own.
I'm going to assume that the "meat horses" are old or crippled, or "off" temperaments, so not safe to ride.

It is not illegal to slaughter horses. They have to be slaughtered in a licensed plant if the meat is for resale. That is true of all types of meat animals, not just horses. There are no licensed horse slaughter plants left in the USA. We had one locally and the *um* nice people concerned about animal rights burned it to the ground, burning horses alive, and made threats when plans were made to rebuild it. So it didn't get rebuilt.

It is legal to butcher your own animals for your own table. It is also legal to butcher your own animals to feed to your dogs. If that person sells the horse, the new owner can butcher it for his own consumption.

Better for those old cripples to be humanely shot. Quick and easy rather than to starve to death with their feet so grown out they curl up, or be turned loose in the woods, where they have no idea how to survive. What else are you going to do with them? How many of you objecting to slaughtering horses for meat have unlimited funds to take them all in?

There are no homes for them. There is nowhere for them to go. What do y'all think should be done with them?
I have a problem when people kill the horse inhumanely, or they just kill the family pet because they couldn't find anyone to take it.
Ducklover, believe me there ARE cripples or very aged horses or horses that can not be adopted out would be "lights out". As a vet student back in the 80's, no one ever flinched sending a crippled or very foundered horse to sleep or slaughter for pet consumption or people who enjoyed horse meat. Including horses that sits on the shelf for so long no one wants, either the seller has to keep feeding it or send it to slaughter or butcher it himself. Horse meat is great for dogs, cats, canine and feline species at the zoo.

Would I try horse meat? I certainly would but in order to do that, I have to go overseas or across the border to sample the delicacy! Dog or cat, I'd rather NOT know if you decided to serve me and I enjoyed it, then you can tell me that I ate cat or dog.

Glad to know it is NOT illegial to kill your horses that you buy or intend for slaughter. Like someone said in here, which it happens more in WWII and famished times, I would put a horse down to feed my family and beloved pets. There is NO easy way but humans have an innate response to fight for survivial.

Pass me the horse stew......with extra garlic!
or they just kill the family pet because they couldn't find anyone to take it.

If I could no longer care for my pet for some reason or other and could find no good home for him to go to....I'd put him down also. I'd rather he be dead than out there somewhere suffering a horrible half life of misery.​

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