help these horses!! this is crazy!! read this ad!

So, it IS legal to butcher your own horse or a horse you bought?

I hope the answer is yes because people I'm sorry but horses are no better than cattle, pigs, llamas, yaks, camels, whatever. And if the horse has an issue that it needs to be put down for, why not? And if your dog prefers healthier raw food than processed grain-filled dogfood, why not? You're not wasting the carcass by butchering it and turning it into food.

Sorry, I don't see any problem with horses being used for slaughter. I have an issue with improper treatment of them, sure, but I'd get upset at improper treatment of cattle before horses, since there's plenty other people who care about horses before cattle.
Well, here's the problem. What do you do if you can't afford to feed the horses and no one wants to buy them except for animal feed? Horses are being abandoned in parts of this country and left to starve. I have a much bigger problem with that than I do with slaughtering horses that can't be supported.

In the old days if you couldn't feed a horse, or it was crippled, you could sell it for slaughter. Thanks to the sanctimoniousness of people who have never been anywhere near a working outfit, and whose horse experience consists of suburban stables and show rings, there is now a major problem with prolonged animal suffering.

Closing the slaughterhouses didn't do the horses any favors from what I see going on.
I highly doubt there cripples

Did you go and look at them? There are a lot of lame horses out there, permanently lame with ring bone and other maladies. In a richer climate, some people kept and fed them for sentiment; but those days are ending. Now one finds the poor animals abandoned and starving along roadsides.
X2. I'm actually very unhappy with the way some people treat donkeys, mules, cattle, swine, sheep, etc. I'm also unhappy about how people treat horses; especially those who outlawed horse slaughter and now are outraged that other people don't wish to fund the consequences of their legislation. What is it with the horse worship, anyway? I like them, I had a wonderful mare named Lady Bird as a child who had cow sense up the wazoo and was a business-minded as any gelding - but when the choice is starvation or slaughter???
A thought.

How many people raise their horses with butchering someday in mind? Not many, I'd guess.

So... say a 10 or 15 or heck, 30 year old horse..... thats 10 years worth of Ivermectin and other wormers administered to that horse once a month, or at least multiple times a year... 10 years of chemical insecticides in the way of fly sprays, livestock powder, ect... often administered daily or weekly.
10 years of antibiotics, vaccinations, steroids, and who knows how many other prescription medications that have kept the horse in health in an unnatural enviroment to this point.

Despite the fact I woud never eat a horse, period, I'd certainly never eat an animal raised without regard for safety of consumption! Those who do will likely wish they hadn't, sooner or later.

Back to the OP....

I've been to Pocatello.. about 6 years ago. A family friend from long before I was born lives there... (he was one of the Marlbro men, hehehe) and I visited him with my father. Pocatello is such a dry, dry, dry place! Almost a desert. It might be this fellow can't feed his horses anymore? If that's the case and he absolutely had to do the kind thing for them... he should at least do the right thing by the horses and the people and call animal control to rescue them, or put them down humanely and bury them properly. They'd probably be just as healthy for eating in that state as they were before the fact.
honestly these days with feeding my dogs raw food and all, when I see an ad for a free horse I think "wow, that's a lot of good free meat!"

I couldn't see myself eating horse though. Sounds tough and gross.
There is not a single animal on this planet, common livestock, cats, dogs, rats, endangered or almost extinct, that I wouldn't kill to feed my hungry family. Lord hope it never comes to killing our pets though or the last whatever bird.

If there ever comes a day I cannot afford to keep my pleasure animals and I cannot find them decent homes--they will be put down and be recycled into the soldier fly bin. Life isn't always full of happy moments and you never know when your paychecks will stop coming. Gotta feed my babies, husband, me, and then the most useful livestock. Not to say I wouldn't bawl my eyes out, but I'd still kill them one by one.

I have heard horse meat is quite delicious. Honestly, I'd say most of us have had it, you just didn't know you were eating it.
I can tell you there is nothing the authorities will do about people killing horses on personal property for human least they won't here that I know of. People knew of it happening not far from here but it couldn't be seen from the road, so nothing was done. So is it illegal? I have heard that it is here, but don't really know for sure.
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