Help !! tried Duramycin 10 ..not helping ,WHAT NOW

I sure hope you let us know how your vet visit goes(hopefully it will be successful). The information you get from your vet will help someone else on here one day-I can almost guarantee it!
I'm wasting no time with the birds I just purchased, I'm taking them to be tested as soon as they can fit me in! I'm not letting them near my sweet birdies I raised from chicks until I know they aren't contagious. It's such a shame. I'd rather see them euthanized cheaply by the state then watch them get sicker and suffer if this isn't just allergies. I figure if the state finds something, I'll report it to the birds original owners and caution him to cull any birds that are sneezy instead of taking them to auction. Currently I have them both on duramycin, and medicated chick feed, and I poured ivermectin pour on wormer, and so far the yellow goo is reduced in their nostrils, and less sneezing, so we'll see. I'll have to buy some yogurt next...

I wish you luck with your birdies. I would be doing the same thing trying multiple approaches to nurse them back to health, but I would have my husband dispatch them if I saw they were in real pain just trying to breath- since it just tears my heart up to see them suffer. My chickens are really my pets, and I'd rather end their suffering quickly than let them languish in pain.

the best advice given was to contact peter Brown at First State Vet Supply. Go to He operates that site, and had a forum called Doc I Need Help.
Good Morning , First my hen zowie who was not good last night is up and eating this morning so thats a good thing
,I have call dept of agriculture ,they ask if any birds had died i said no then they had me to call MSU (Michigan State University Poultry Dept) which i have and left a message for them to call me back .
ok big Q what should i do ? need everyones opinion...ok i really wanna call dr chicken ,but plan to drive up to the vet on thursday ..Hubby says can't do both pick which one you wanna do ...grrr do you all think dr chicken can help?
Doc Brown had to start charging for consults after being completely swamped. His generosity was becoming well-known around here!
Lisa, if you call Doc Brown, he may be able to help as much as the vet could, but he can't see the birds unless you send him pictures (he's in Maryland, I think). He has all the meds to send you that you would need, too. Doc Brown is not a vet, but has a PhD in poultry science and is very caring and knowledgable. What you do is entirely up to you, though. Hard decision, I know.
In Canton Michigan we have a vet that also deals with birds. I'm not sure about chickens but you could give them a call.

Canton Center Animal Hospital, PC
Full Service Veterinary Hospital
Serving You & Your Pet for more than 30 years

5900 Canton Center Road Canton, Michigan 48187 Phone: (734) 459-1400

OPEN: 8am - 7pm Monday - Friday & 8am - 2pm Saturday

Hours By Appointment Only

I use them for my quaker parrot and my dogs.

Just a thought.

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