HELP! Urgent!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 8, 2014
Hello. I want a quick answer. I've four Chicks and I have put them in one box. A while ago, I heard a Chick crying and when I went to see, the chick was bleeding and there were no feathers on the leg. I even witnessed other 3 Chicks attacking on that chick. What should I do? Separate them? What to do to heal the injured chick?
Hello. I want a quick answer. I've four Chicks and I have put them in one box. A while ago, I heard a Chick crying and when I went to see, the chick was bleeding and there were no feathers on the leg. I even witnessed other 3 Chicks attacking on that chick. What should I do? Separate them? What to do to heal the injured chick?

You will definitely need to seperate the injured chick. Blood makes chickens turn into cannibals and they have been known to peck to death:(. I have heard that Blu-kote will help with covering up the blood, but I would make sure the hurt chick was healed before putting it back in.

Do they have plenty of room?
Thanks a lot for q
You will definitely need to seperate the injured chick. Blood makes chickens turn into cannibals and they have been known to peck to death:(. I have heard that Blu-kote will help with covering up the blood, but I would make sure the hurt chick was healed before putting it back in.

Do they have plenty of room?
Thanks a lot for quick reply. They don't have a large space yet, but I'll make sure to give them the large space as soon as possible. Since, this is my first time.

I've already separated the injured one. That chick is making noise and seem in pain. It can't move, eat or do anything. Just making roar sound. I feel sad. What I should do to heal that chick? :(
Maybe some triple antibiotic ointment? I would definitely give it electrolytes in the water and Nutri-drench is my favorite to get vitamins In them quick! How old are the chicks?
I don't think so I can get anything for the chick at the moment. It's 5:40am right here. I only give them grint or "Bajra" to eat. No vitamins yet. What is alternative way to heal it up? Something like making the chick drink the sugar water or something?

Plus, it won't die because of the blood loss and the injury, right?
There is a recipe for homemade electrolyte solution on here....somewhere. Let me look. Is it actively bleeding?
1/2 teaspoon salt substitute
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon table salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 gallon water

There it is. You may also want to post on emergencies/diseases/injuries. They can help you more on how to treat the injury. I hope your little one makes it! It's so hard sometimes!
No. The bleeding is stop. Only few red blood spots on the feather and bit on the leg. I'm just wondering, it might be injured. Anything for that? To give the chick bit relief and it gets back to normal. The chick seems sad. I'm sad too. :(
I have got table salt, sugar and water at home right now. Might have baking soda as well, not sure. So, I mix all in water and let the chick drink?

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