Help Us Design The Next BYC "Chillin' With My Peeps" Shirt

Just an idea!! I forgot to put hahah
i was thinking, a roo with sunglasses on a raft in the pool with a glass of lemonade and with an umbrella for shade with on it and a little chick splashing along side spewing water from it's beak like a fountain and above it all chillin' with my peeps. and standing on the edge of the pool a cracked egg with diapers and sunglasses not quite hatched out yet.
Aprons, we need aprons with pockets for doing chicken chores! And to protect our clothes from poops while we enjoy having our peeps on our laps!
I think it would be cool to have full grown chickens. Like, you know when chickens find something and they all kind of huddle together and stick their butts up in the air? I think that would be really cute. I don't know though, I'll try to think a little bit more about it..
Palo, I love your idea!

Here's a basic (sloppy) sketch of mine, done with microsoft paint:

Mum sips a lemonade in the kiddie pool along with baby, and hubby.


I hope you like it; tell me what you all think!
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