help w/ access 'door' in hardware cloth


10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Smith Mountain Lake, VA
We have a hooped tractor for our rooster and need an access panel to change his water. The pen is made of hardware cloth. How do we make a frame and attach it and then attach the access door? We have an approx. 1 foot sq. area cut on 3 sides as access now which we are holding closed w/ tie straps, obviously not predator proof and hard/time consuming to get into. Detailed instructions for us non-construction type would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.
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Get some 1 X 2 treated lumber.

Cut it to make TWO identical frames the size you need.

Put one on the outside, and one on the inside, and screw them together

Then you can mount a door onto the frame
If you only need a one foot open and need to keep your structure light, you can tie some heavier fencing behind your hardware cloth and make a door over laps the opening. I make my feeding stations with opening in the side.

This unit is made from 2"x4" fencing, but you would only need enough fencing to span around your open. The door is made from the same fencing with the hardware cloth attached. I use zip ties and hog rings. I use #2 stainless steel S-biners as fasteners.
I slit plastic tubing and zip tie them around the edges of the opening to keep from being cut.
Here's what we ended up doing.... We cut a piece of scrap wood into a rectangle shape about 2" larger than the opening we wanted on all sides. Then we cut a door out of the rectangle shape to fit the opening. Then we cut strips a little less then 2" wide for the 'back'. We put hinges on the door/frame. We put the frame/door on the outside, held the 'back' pieces on and screwed them on, sandwiching the hardware cloth in between. We have a swivel gate latch which will be held closed with a carrabinger (sp?) that hasn't been installed yet. We're holding it closed with bungee cords for the time being. So much easier to get more cutting and restraping tie straps. Thanks for the help guys and for the coop pics on one of ya'lls pages.
Thanks Jaxon4141! I created an enclosure within my coop to house a blind chicken and made the top too high so that I can't reach down in to clean or feed her. So now I have to cut a hole lower down on the side into the hardware cloth and make a door. I love your idea and I already have everything except the hog rings.

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