Help! What’s wrong with my chicken?

I had originally thought she was doing better since she seemed a bit more alert, but I guess not. I didn’t find any poop from her, and she refused to eat and drink. She’s scooting away when I try to feed her, then she just lays down and closes her eyes
She seems the same today, but maybe sitting even more. Her comb is more grayish, but we have gotten her to drink more water. I also still haven’t found any more green poop anywhere
If she is suffering from a reproductive problem, those can include salpingitis and coelomitis, where there masses of internally laid eggs inside the abdomen, cancer, or ascites (water belly.) That is not contagious, but many good layers can suffer from these problems by 2-3 years old. Is she letting you handle her more? So, you don’t think that she has passed any droppings for 3 days? Can you try to insert a clean or gloved finger into her vent to feel for an obstruction? Usually with egg binding, calcium can help them pass the egg. She might have a lash egg or droppings blocking her vent. If you lose this hen, I would either do a home necropsy or send her to your state vet in GA for one.
If she is suffering from a reproductive problem, those can include salpingitis and coelomitis, where there masses of internally laid eggs inside the abdomen, cancer, or ascites (water belly.) That is not contagious, but many good layers can suffer from these problems by 2-3 years old. Is she letting you handle her more? So, you don’t think that she has passed any droppings for 3 days? Can you try to insert a clean or gloved finger into her vent to feel for an obstruction? Usually with egg binding, calcium can help them pass the egg. She might have a lash egg or droppings blocking her vent. If you lose this hen, I would either do a home necropsy or send her to your state vet in GA for one.
Ok, thank you. She still doesn’t want me looking at her vent, but I will try again. Unless her poop simply is green or weird looking anymore , she hasn’t gone today and yesterda
She might be taking a turn! She is walking more, taking a dirt bath, and eating and drinking! There is also some more green poop, which I’m guessing is a good sign? I also just saw some yellow that looks like an egg yolk on the floor. There’s also some yellow in and around her vent. Her comb is turning brighter, so I’m guessing all of this is a good sign?

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